Odd Nosdam+Charles Trees+Max Tundra

Posted by Jakub

I’ve been in love with some of the songs on the new Odd Nosdam LP that just came out this month on the hard working Anticon label. I haven’t really heard anything like this song Ethereal Slap since Marumari’s Supermogadon which definitely isn’t as heavy hitting. Root Bark by Odd Nosdam is more soundtrack-ish but really is unhateable, perfect for a skateboarding soundtrack which I think is what this LP is suppose to be for.

Fans of Samiyam and Flying Lotus need to check out Charles Trees, he has an upbeat crunchy authentic sound that might be able to find in Daedelus’ but also hits as hard as Dabrye.

I’m always happy to hear and support Max Tundra, he is needed in music because he breaks down pop barriers and weeds out and finds the real music lovers that care for avant pop, the video below is shot in such a simple yet attractive way in my mind, reminds me of some Electric Company promo.

Odd Nosdam – Ethereal Slap


Odd Nosdam – Root Bark


Charles Trees – It’s The…


Max Tundra – Will Get Fooled Again


Max Tundra – Will Get Fooled Again Video

Polish Design: Tonpress Record Sleeves

Posted by Scott

We all know Polish design is amazing, but every now and then you need a good reminder. Karl forwarded me a Wanken post on the Tonpress sleeves you see above. Tonpress was a government-controlled Polish record label in the 80’s and from the looks of it, they had some quality design staff hanging around. If you want to sift through all the links, lots more cover art is here.

Images via Wanken

P.S. Be sure to check out Karl’s blog, it’s got a new skin that’s dripping with minimal goodness.


Posted by Jakub

Bernard Fleischmann
These 3 songs by Bernhard Fleischmann, Wisp, and Departure Lounge are good examples of 3 completely different genres that I really wouldn’t know how to tag with a specific genre. Wisp on one hand sounds like he should be making all the fantasy video game music for any World of Warcraft game in 2010 specifically any epic winter levels. Bernhard Fleischmann sounds like a sped up Mum song that put the guitar and drums priority in the mixdown while Departure Lounge has more of a northern Midwest feel with layered finger picking and some gently placed feedback that’d probably drive a mastering guy nuts.

I’m not sure where I remember first seeing this La Serenissima video but it hit my nostalgia button right away, seems like the studio that drew the original G.I. Joe animated series must of done it, i’m not exactly sure though. I wish more cartoons we’re drawn like this, i’d probably watch them religiously.

Bernhard Fleischmann – Composure


Wisp – Where It Falls


Departure Lounge – Alone Again But…


Allegro Milano – La Serenissima


Allegro Milano – La Serenissima

Milton Glaser Hillman Curtis

Posted by Alex

I’ve always loved the artist series over at Hillman Curtis. Very well produced and put together films; my only complaint is that they are so few and far between. Scott’s recent post reminded me to go back and watch this one on Milton Glaser. I love hearing design heavyweights like him talk about the big issues in design. As far as I know, he still teaches at SVA occasionally—how fascinating it must be to have him as a teacher!

I also enjoyed the films on music video director Mark Romanek, and conceptual artist Lawrence Weiner.

Small Screen Titles

Posted by Scott

While they’re not quite as good as their big screen counterparts, some TV title sequences are starting to look a lot like what you’d expect from a feature film. Smashing Magazine has an article entitled “20 Brilliant TV Show Titles” featuring some of the better examples out there. My personal favorite has to be TrueBlood; the colors are incredible. Although none of them come close to beating Catch Me If you Can (although Mad Men tries valiantly), there certainly are some nice ones in the list. Link

Ghostly 10 Yr Show: L.A. Installment

Posted by Scott

The L.A. installment of the Ghostly 10 Year Anniversary Show is now officially set for Sunday, March 8th, 2009. The lineup is pretty much the same as the S.F. show at Mezzanine on the 6th. Jakub’s flying out for the S.F. show and then we’ll be making the trek down south via I5 on Saturday, wish us luck! Here’s all the details for L.A.:

Ghostly, Xlr8r, Red Stripe and Jimmy’s Lounge Present:
Attn: This is a Daytime show, starts @ 2PM
The Ghostly 10 yr Anniversary – 2nd Installment – Los Angeles
Michna w/ Raw Paw LIVE
Tycho LIVE
The Sight Below LIVE
Lusine LIVE
Kate Simko LIVE
Eliot Lipp LIVE
…and more TBA

Sunday March 8th
@ Jimmy’s Lounge
6202 Santa Monica Blvd., LA

21+ 2 pm

Purchase Tickets for L.A. Show
Purchase Tickets for S.F. Show