Photoshop Question / Problem

Posted by Scott

Edit: James solved it, thanks a lot!

I am trying to accomplish something in Photoshop and am having a hard time getting it to work. I was hoping maybe someone could shed some light. Here’s some background on the problem:

I have 30 instances of a single smart object in a composition. They are scaled to various sizes and are placed in various positions. The smart object contains a raster image that is about 1500x1500px wide. I used that size to keep things small when creating the composition but now I want to scale everything up to poster size. The image inside of the smart object is not big enough for poster size so I need to replace its contents with a higher resolution version (around 3000x3000px). The problem is that when I replace the contents of the smart object with the higher resolution image, all of the placed instances of it in the original composition scale up accordingly.

So here’s my question: Is it possible to replace the contents of a smart object with a higher resolution version while maintaining the scale of it’s instances in the composition? Meaning if there is a smart object instance in the composition that measures 900px wide, it will stay 900px wide no matter what size image I replace it’s contents with.

Putting another smart object containing the higher resolution version inside of the original smart object did not work, it seems to rasterize the inner smart object at the smaller scale before placing the outer one in the composition. Doing a Layer > Smart Object > Replace Contents did not work either.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated in the comments.

Jonathan Mutch

Posted by Scott


Some cool shots from Jonathan Mutch. Really like the color and vibe of his stuff; very authentic, filmic style. Every time I see stuff like this and check the EXIF I realize my next camera should probably be a Canon. Also, apparently I need to visit Banff. Check out the depth in that third shot, beautiful! You can find some more of Jon’s work at his Flickr

Jon: Care to elaborate on your process in the comments?

Dam Funk

Posted by Jakub

Dam-Funk 1
Dam-Funk 2
Dam-Funk 3
The heart of 2009’s year in the music scene has to go to the very passionate Dâm Funk, the man has stuck with west coast funk & boogie thru many years. I got to see him play last night and as he entertained I could tell he was born to do this and nothing else. I even asked for his autograph that’s how amazed I was by his presence and I even met Aziz Ansari[which I thought would of been the biggest and best thing 2 years ago] and saw Josh Hartnett[who I had no idea who he was until someone explained his career to me] the same night and didn’t ask anything from them.

A good amount of people that haven’t heard of him compared it to 2Pac but no matter what its compared to no one is going to play keytar 4 feet from your face and high five the crowd and ask them if they’re having a good night every 10 minutes. His LP Toeachizown is out now

Dâm Funk – Love Is Here 2nite (I Can Feel It) – BUY


Dâm Funk – Flying V Ride – BUY


Dâm Funk – Killdat aka Killdatmuthafu*ka – BUY


NRK Radio Interview

Posted by Scott

I did an interview with Norway National Radio while I was there last week. It’s brief and you’ll have to speak Norwegian to understand most of it. They seemed to focus in on the political aspects of our conversation, most of the questions centered around the role of graphic design in American politics in the wake of the 2008 elections. Also, I had a cold so that’s why I sound like I just inhaled 3 packs of Camels.

On a side note, check out that logo! Love it.

NRK Radio Norway – Scott Hansen Interview


Yasuhiro Sawada

Posted by Alex

yasuhiro sawada
Maybe it was my last post, or Scott’s recent travel adventures, but something has reinvigorated my desire to go back to Japan. I guess I’ve always wanted to go back, the feeling is just very acute right now. As Jon and Kjell mentioned in the Non-Format interview, Tokyo is a rather hard city to beat. Personally I can’t imagine a more inspiring place.

Anyway the poster above is by Yasuhiro Sawada and I’m sorry to say, I don’t know too much more about it. I’ve always loved it for the simple shapes and unusual layout. It also took me repeated viewings to see that there was a message in the shapes — felt pretty oblivious after that. The image comes from GD in Japan, where you can find many other excellent works like this.