The Daydream / The Disconnect Proper

Posted by Scott

As many of you noted, iTunes originally only posted "The Daydream" as a single; "The Disconnect" was supposed to be included as the B-side.  The error has been fixed; the single now shows up as a new item with both songs included. Unfortunately it is now missing all the original comments and ratings.  At any rate you can now get the full version of the single here.

Others have asked whether there is currently any alternative to iTunes for purchasing the songs.  Ghostly released the single as a 2 month exclusive on iTunes, so when that time is up it will be available everywhere, including right here for direct purchase.


Posted by Scott

Was so wrapped up in design related projects over the past 6 months that I didn’t get much work done on the new album / singles. But I finally got back on track and have been down in the studio for the past week finishing up a new song. This new single will be the second in a series of three to be released over the coming months.  The first in the series comes out Dec. 11th.  This latest one I am finishing should come out about 2 months after that.

Shifting Gears

Posted by Scott

Finally back home for a bit, feels good to have some time to focus.  After a long stretch in the design trenches got the next month slated for music. Going to get back to work on the new album which is coming along well, just a lot of the dirty work yet to do. The first track from the forthcoming album will be available as a single on December 11th (iTunes Exclusive at first, all retailers later).  Keep an eye here and for more updates.
On a design related note, I treated the above pics of the studio using some of the concepts we were discussing back in this post. Took Christian’s advice and applied a lens blur to the vignette, getting closer to digital Lomo! Finally been getting my head around this Nikon D80 I got a while back to replace my broken 8800.  Really been enjoying the results, especially at the higher ISO’s, even at ISO1000 the output is still clean and the noise is actually rather pleasing, not the sort of digital junk I’ve come to expect from high speed exposure’s with non-SLR digicams.