Michelle McCormick recently posted Dave Cuzner’s Grain Edit on her Inspiration Resource blog. If you’ve been to Grain Edit before, you’ll know what a great collection of classic design artifacts Dave has. Above are just a few small glimpses into that collection. Dave is a vintage bookseller out of Oakland, CA who I first met at an ADAC event in Sacramento. He had a booth there and I was pretty blown away by the books he brought out. I later met him again here in San Francisco where he showed me part of an amazing Czech stamp collection which he is working on. All very inspirational stuff indeed! Link

Gavin Potenza is back with more incredibly authentic stamp designs. You may remember Gavin from his German stamp series I posted on a while back, this time he brings us stamps from all over the world. Loving these, particularly Canada and Brazil. More images and info are over at Gavin’s site.
Blog contributor Forrest sent in these Mexican stamps his girlfriend found at an antiques store. They all look to be 60’s era and at some point were laminated and turned into a bookmark. The Mexico 68 example is the standout, of course. I think it’s interesting that Lance Wyman’s name is mentioned right there on the stamp, pretty nice touch and great typography. Thanks Forrest!
Some very nice 60’s-ers Polish stamps via The Ministry of Type. I have a whole book of Czech stamps in this style, I will get some scans / pics up soon.
Sheet of Dutch stamps via DavidMcFarline.