Archive for the Shows Category

ISO50 Stockholm Workshop

Posted by Scott

UPDATE: Registration for this event is now open here.

I’ll be hosting a free (thanks to our gracious sponsors) workshop / talk in Stockholm during January. The workshop will focus on a lot of the concepts I covered in the the Barcelona and New York series along with some new ideas and a good dose of design theory.  I usually do a lot of hands on work within Photoshop so you’re encouraged to bring a laptop if you want to follow along.  There will be a full question and answer period at the end so come prepared if there are any specific concepts you’d like to discuss.

It should be a fun night, the event itself will last about 2 hours and afterwards we’ll move over to the hotel bar for some drinks and mingling. I’ll be bringing some prints from The Shop, but due to the distance I will be traveling for this one, bringing shirts won’t really be practical. Due to other limitations there will not be a live Tycho set, but I will be playing some new music and any questions you have about music are welcomed. Hope to see you all out!

Flasher By The Sea Presents:

Scott Hansen / ISO50
Blending Analogue & Digital: A Design Workshop
January 25, 2008 – 18:30
Stockholm, SWE
Cost: Free (thanks to our sponsors)
RSVP / Tickets: Info is here

Arranged by Stockholm Multimedia Usergroup and Grafiskt Forum
Sponsored by Adobe and Gimlet

Clarion Hotel, Skanstull
Ringvägen 98, BOX 20025 Stockholm
Telefon: +46 (0)8 462 10 00
Arrive at the lobby and there will be signs pointing to the event.

Gallery Hanging

Posted by Scott

Drove to Sacramento today to deliver the artwork for this Saturday’s Gallery Show. Stuck around for a while to watch them hanging the work, took some shots.  Should end up looking nice, there will be some new stuff in there along with five large format pieces and some as yet unreleased work that’s just been printed for the first time. All the work is limited edition printed in Giclee on watercolor paper. Try to make it out and say hi…There will also be a live Tycho set and the whole thing is free for all ages.  Info

Gallery+Show Saturday in Sacramento

Posted by Scott

I’ll be doing a poster show at Sacramento’s Artisan Gallery this Saturday, 11/10/07.  There will be large format Giclee versions of many of my prints on display as well as a lot of 12×18" show posters.  All will be for sale along with prints from the shop and t-shirts. Afterwards I’ll be doing a Tycho set with visuals and all.  Try to make it out, it’s free and it’s a very cool venue so should be a lot of fun.  This will be part of Sacramento’s "Second Saturday" art walk which is always a great time. The show runs from 6-11pm.

Saturday, November 10th, 2007
Admission: Free / All Ages

Artisan Gallery
1901 Del Paso Blvd
Sacramento, CA 95815
(916) 648-0260

Headed Home

Posted by Scott

Heading back to San Francisco tomorrow after another amazing experience at the OFFF festival.  It kept me pretty busy over the past week so I haven’t had much time to post up here or respond to comments, but I will be right back to it once I make it home and get some much needed rest.  Again, I want to thank everyone who came out to my presentation, the workshop (pictured above), and the booth.  It was great to meet and talk with so many people who are so passionate about design. Hope to see you all again next year.

October ISO50 Newsletter

Posted by Scott

The October issue of the ISO50 Newsletter is out now and among other things, announces the release of the “Svenska 1B” print (pictured above). This third and final version in the Svenska series is available now at the ISO50 Shop.
The newsletter also covers details on the upcoming New York OFFF festival and the upcoming Tycho single release date. You can read the newsletter here or sign up here to get the latest delivered straight to your inbox monthly.

ISO50 Workshop 11/03/07

Posted by Scott

As stated in the previous post, I’ll be hosting a workshop entitled “ISO50: Blending Analogue and Digital” at this year’s OFFF festival in New York. The festival runs Nov. 2-4. The workshop will be held Saturday, November 3rd, 2007 at the BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center in “Theater 2”. Things will get started at 11:30am and it goes through to 1:30pm. I’ll be focusing mainly on process and theory, with specific examples and PSD deconstructions.
Space is limited to 230 people and entry will be first come, first served at the door. The workshop is included in with an OFFF pass, available here.


Posted by Scott

Just finished the cover for the NYC OFFF festival (New York – Nov. 2-4, 2007). This is the book that’s given out to all attendees and features work by many of the speakers and presenters at the festival (might have to squint a little to read the titles better). I’ll be hosting a workshop / lecture, all the details are here. It will be a similar workshop to the one I did in Barcelona this summer and will be focusing on technique with a lot of deconstructions and hands on examples of my process and theory. As with Barcelona, space is limited (230 people per workshop this time), but unlike Barcelona the workshop is included in the cost of the festival pass, there’s no additional registration required, it’s just first come, first serve. You can snag tickets to the Festival here, as of this posting they are nearly sold out so get on it! As stated in an earlier post, there will be an ISO50 booth for all three days of the festival with shirts, prints, and music. See you in New York!