Gallery+Show – Saturday in Sacramento
Posted by Scott
I’ll be doing a poster show at Sacramento’s Artisan Gallery this Saturday, 11/10/07. There will be large format Giclee versions of many of my prints on display as well as a lot of 12×18" show posters. All will be for sale along with prints from the shop and t-shirts. Afterwards I’ll be doing a Tycho set with visuals and all. Try to make it out, it’s free and it’s a very cool venue so should be a lot of fun. This will be part of Sacramento’s "Second Saturday" art walk which is always a great time. The show runs from 6-11pm.
Saturday, November 10th, 2007
Admission: Free / All Ages
Artisan Gallery
1901 Del Paso Blvd
Sacramento, CA 95815
(916) 648-0260

8 Comments Leave A Comment
Esteban says:
November 7, 2007 at 10:48 amHello Iso50 XD
I have been following your work for many years and I don´t know how to express my amaze
Your works are incredibles, they are in my favorites personal TOP FIVE.
I am very thankful for all…the music and the atr
Bye xD ●๋•
Joaquim Marquès Nielsen says:
November 7, 2007 at 5:49 pmAgain, I wish I could be there!!
I’d buy one of those show posters I’m sure :)
I have my Lomo-camera now by the way. It smells great, hehe. Shot my first film and the results are special. Though I was hoping for a bit more saturation. Had the ISO at 100 on most of the shots to match the ISO 100 film I used.
I want to do some xpro on my next film.
Cheers :)
Scott says:
November 7, 2007 at 6:03 pmJoaquim-
another tactic is to underexpose the film by using a 200 setting while shooting 100 film then overdevelop to break up the grain, gives a nice organic vibe (thanks to Jorge Calleja for that tip!)
Right now, Fuji doesn’t manufacture ISO50 anymore…But I heard they are going to bring it back. Velvia at long exposure times will get you those popping colors. (also a little photoshop post never hurt ;)
Yesenia Espana says:
November 8, 2007 at 9:51 amMy boyfriend and I admire your art and music. We’ll be venturing out to Sacramento this weekend for our first Second Saturday, but the main attraction is your art exhibit and live music! :)
Jonathan Haggard says:
November 8, 2007 at 11:02 pmI’ll be there.
Deciebruis says:
November 9, 2007 at 10:12 amI love your audio algorithims patterns(music) and artwork, of course I’ll be there. PEACE(PositiveEnergyActivatesConstantElevation). ::_:: *_* ^_^
iso says:
April 16, 2008 at 6:22 pmamazing, i love this cd cover,, i love your work……