Banksy may be one of the most famous artists in the world but his identity has been a closely guarded secret, perhaps until now. The Mail UK has printed an article that supposedly reveals Banksy’s true identity and has even gone as far as to print a photography (allegedly) of him. I find it funny how the media are always so concerned with the background of people like this. We have no control over where we come from or how we were brought up, we can only control where we go after that. And besides, it’s the message, not the messenger. If accurate, this article will surely put a dent in Banksy’s ability to create in the future. So it begs the question: if you care enough about art to care who Banksy is, why would you destroy what he is trying to do by writing an article like this? Article Link
Photo via nolifebeforecoffee

As i sit in front of my computer today i was separating business cards that i’ve recently received from the Detroit Electronic Music Festival and new people i’ve met in New York. Maybe it’s just me and my fascination with plexiglass being used for almost anything but i thought these business cards by Head Inc. might be abit too much on the carrying them around side. I’d probably feel abit odd giving someone one of these too but they’re pretty beautiful in my opinion especially if you stack them on top of each other but i don’t see myself ever getting 2 of them anytime soon from anyone.
UPDATE: The position has been filled, thanks to everyone who submitted their work!
Over the past year a lot of outstanding web tasks have cropped up and I really need to get a lot of them taken care of. I used to handle all this myself but my technical skills are definitely slipping and I just don’t have the time to keep up on this stuff anymore. I’ve talked to people about contracting them to do the projects, but they’re just too small and scattered to be worthwhile to most agencies / developers.
The gig would certainly net you some shirts and posters, linking / credit on the site, and all the recommendations you could ever want.
Geographical location is not an issue.
Desired Skills:
* HTML / DHTML / Javascript (Ajax?)
* Knowledge of sIFR and how to implement
* Knowledge of the WordPress platform (the .org installed variety)
* Strong Knowledge of PHP
* Strong Knowledge of CSS
* Flash Knowledge (particularly relating to audio)
If you have the time and a good mix of some or all of the skills listed above, please contact me at talk [at] iso50 [dot] com. Be sure to include some examples of your work / portfolio and any other pertinent details. This would be pretty light work, around 10-20 hours per month max and possibly only for a limited time.
Image via eye_capture
function mailtolink(name4315,url4315)
var at = "@";
var eml = name4315 + at + url4315;
document.write("" + eml + "");
I don’t want to make a habit of posting random ironic-kitsch type images, but this is insane. Someone sent this in from Photobasement. I love how you can see the Photoshop alpha hatch behind the titling. Truly epic design.
I’m at the airport about to leave for Tokyo, then it’s on to Thailand, Amsterdam, Stockholm, Prague, and finally London. All told it will be about a month of travel during which time I may not be posting here quite as often as usual. But I will try to post as many shots of interesting things I find along the way. The above image is from the Flickr Tilt-Shift pool, an interesting photography technique I’ll be posting more on later.
Hope everyone is having a good new year!
Not to sound macabre, but the time has come to lay another year to rest and welcome the unknown. It’s a little bittersweet, 2007 was a great experience in many ways, but I am sure 2008 has some treats in store and hopefully some hefty doses of learning and evolution.
I want to thank everyone for supporting me and inspiring my work and to wish you all a happy newyear!

Your Mom is Big Bird and you eat tons and tons of pills. Also your cell phone is woefully lacking in features.
Images via Joyrex