Images From Where? and By Who? Part. IV
Here is the 4th installment of “Images From Where? and By Who?” So we all download and save images of items, graphics and photos from the internet daily and some of the time you have no idea where to give credit besides maybe the guy that posted it first or second randomly on a blog. I ‘d like to get some answers on a few of these but also just post some interesting pieces that we come across that might have been sitting on our drives for awhile that are go to for inspiration or just found randomly on a forum with no info attached and just look great. Either way hopefully the point that gets across here is that they are inspiring in some sort of way to you as well.
The first one has to be my favorite album cover of all time but only when someone takes a photo of the vinyl sleeve and it catches this pearly yet worn look and then a slight hue of yellow over the whole thing. Who ever thought of the idea of simply just photographing this white helmet but having that mirrored visor wins an award in my book.
I remember finding this NASA illustration and it inspiring me a lot for awhile for Moodgadget material, I could of gone without the blue and orange crayon background.
I am pretty sure this “cubes on a waterfall” was an advertisement and if it was i’ll buy whatever they’re selling…especially the cubes.

3 Comments Leave A Comment
jason cawood says:
July 13, 2009 at 6:38 am“cubes on a waterfall” is from me. can’t remember where i found it now but it’s a general electric ad for new appliances in “earth colors.” i have the uncropped original still if you want it . . .
Mark C. says:
July 13, 2009 at 12:19 pmI love the “Cubes on a Waterfall” image. And I appreciate the art direction as “jason cawood” explained it; I really dig the way that the idea was communicated. Good stuff!
Scott Lowe says:
July 13, 2009 at 1:08 pmThat pod image is hilarious.
I use to keep my images organised and it has been serving me really well.