Broker / Dealer
Posted by Scott
Broker / Dealer is a San Francisco based duo now recording for Ghostly International. They also seem to be one of the most under appreciated bands I know of. They released their debut album "Initial Public Offering" in 2003 on Asphodel (SF) and it seems to have stayed just a bit below the radar ever since. I have been loving this album since that time and it’s been a big influence on my own music over the years. Not unlike the Field record, I have found this album serves as a great backdrop for the vibe of Tokyo. Here’s a couple tracks to whet your appetite.
Broker / Dealer – Initial Public Offering
Can’t Believe
On a Claire Day

15 Comments Leave A Comment
drew kora says:
January 8, 2008 at 5:09 amThanks for suggesting the tunes, Scott. You’ve shown me some great new music on this blog. I picked up some tunes by Mahogany that you suggested a few posts back and it’s really enjoyable. I dig this a lot, too.
You should check out Miles Tilman. I bet you’d like him. He’s a chicago-based eletronic musician and has a similar vibe to Broker / Dealer and even yourself I’d say… though not quite as lush as your Tycho tracks. Anyway, he has pretty much all his tracks for download on his website:
…speaking of Chicago, any more news of your visit in February?
Sean says:
January 8, 2008 at 7:32 pmlistening again for the first time since this was released and loving it. thanks for the recommendation. And the truth be told the Field record is perfect for any urban or ice covered landscape, exurbs on NYC included.
Shud says:
January 8, 2008 at 9:59 pmi’m havin’ the same probs as ‘Jon’ was having a couple of posts below…the tunes don’t play for me or load or anything. maybe a safari thing?
Jon says:
January 9, 2008 at 12:17 amShud:
It is a Safari thing, it works sometimes, but rarely.
Try firefox. Works like a charm.
drew kora says:
January 9, 2008 at 8:43 amHmmm. Running Safari here…on Mac and on a PC… never any problems. Do you guys have the latest version?
Jason says:
January 9, 2008 at 10:27 amI’ve been having the same issue recently, but I never had the issue before. Hmmmmm….
Andy W. says:
January 9, 2008 at 11:19 amIt’s nice- If I heard these guys on the radio (yeah, right) I would wager that these were old songs by Swayzak.
Thanks for turning me on to new stuff, Scott.
Alex / HeadUp says:
January 9, 2008 at 1:52 pmI love the theme– Broker/Dealer, with an IPO as their debut album, then the stock ticker-style album art….I definately dig it, I bought On a Claire Day this morning, catchy, yet like Fields, a little repetitive (and again, this is not a bad thing) good background/working music.
Another great album I’ve been rocking is Kiln’s Dusker (also on Ghostly), songs like Rustdusker and Tigertail are great to create that ambience.
spence says:
September 4, 2008 at 3:15 pmLove this, thanks for sharing. s
Erik says:
August 17, 2010 at 11:57 amThis is an amazing site, looks like a fair amount of Swiss Influence. The second track is tight by the way.