Posted by Scott
Whatever your politics, we’ve got a big week going on here in the States. Thought I’d post these shots of Mr. Brain Wash’s MLK poster series. Bonus: A couple nice MBW takes on Robert Indiana’s iconic LOVE series stamps.
If you’ve got the day off, enjoy it! If you’re in San Francisco, go outside! It’s way too hot here to be January. Images via Tourist of Life

12 Comments Leave A Comment
chris says:
January 19, 2009 at 8:49 amit was definitely the shortest winter ever for california.
EJ says:
January 19, 2009 at 3:10 pmwhat’s the typeface used in the LOVE sculpture?
EJ says:
January 19, 2009 at 3:20 pmBodoni Bold i think?
Kirk Hansen says:
January 19, 2009 at 4:41 pmdid you see google’s logo today? A pretty cool piece from Shepard Fairey and Studio Number One.
Scott says:
January 19, 2009 at 4:45 pmkirk-
yeah man, saw that, would have liked to have posted it too but couldn’t track down a full size version, it seems to just be a google header for now? there is this though: http://www.supertouchart.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/mlk-dayyy.jpg
Rent says:
January 19, 2009 at 6:26 pmthat’s pretty cool…seems like Shepard is just about everywhere now.
Scott says:
January 19, 2009 at 7:17 pmrent-
definitely, I think the whole obama thing cemented him as the sort of “celebrity artist” of our time, a’la picasso or warhol. I mean obey was no doubt an empire before the obama campaign, but shepard fairey himself, I think he was always sort of behind the curtain for most people (remember, I’m talking general public here, of course we in the industry know who he is). anyways, love or hate him/his work, you have to credit him for what is now one of the most iconic images of our time, and one that I think will go down in history as a classic example of successful propaganda, one which will always be associated with a historic moment.
Anonymous says:
January 20, 2009 at 3:18 pmI definitely agree…Shepard’s work was some of my all time favorite for a while. since his fairly recent spring into graphic design and clothing popularity, I have kind of been drawn away from it all. seeing all of these douche’s on VH1 and MTV wearing OBEY makes me want to puke..but I guess not everything can stay that good forever. I still give him props for all of his work though and his Obama poster, which I also heard will be featured in some government building indefinitely, which is pretty huge for a street artist.
Rent says:
January 20, 2009 at 3:19 pmI definitely agree…Shepard’s work was some of my all time favorite for a while. since his fairly recent spring into graphic design and clothing popularity, I have kind of been drawn away from it all. seeing all of these douche’s on VH1 and MTV wearing OBEY makes me want to puke..but I guess not everything can stay that good forever. I still give him props for all of his work though and his Obama poster, which I also heard will be featured in some government building indefinitely, which is pretty huge for a street artist.
Rent says:
January 20, 2009 at 4:34 pmoops sorry for that double post
Erik Soderquist says:
January 22, 2009 at 1:47 pmShepard Fairey Did some really dope art work for the inside of the WAR room here in seattle. The WAR Room is a really dope club and the way the interior is makes it stand out. Deffenetly a dope artist. Scotts right that Obey poster of obama has become an insainly huge viral image now.
p0ps says:
February 27, 2009 at 7:51 amLooking forward to seeing a MBW show in NY