Hatchback Wasted Brain Mix
Probably like the 5th mix on the blog from Hatchback and the great guys at Dream Chimney, which doesn’t feel wrong in any way. I thought this mix was actually already up for some reason but I couldn’t find it. Dive into it, info below and close your eyes and imagine the cold weather is just air conditioning in your ocean view loft on Honolulu in 1991.
Mix of the Week #76 is a mix of unreleased Hatchback tracks in honor of the first ever limited vinyl release of Hatchback’s 2008 debut album ‘Colors of the Sun’ on Be With Records. A blissed-out 80-minute opus, its assured kaleidoscopic sound can only be described as ‘Cosmic-Krautrock-Disco.’
Double LP available now: bewithrecords.com/product/hatchbac…2lp-bewith009lp/
Wasted Brain: Hatchback Sessions 1999-2009
It’s something of a personal milestone to welcome Colors of the Sun to vinyl, so to celebrate the occasion, I dug into the archive to make a mix of unreleased material from the years leading up to and slightly beyond my first album. It means a lot to me that the Dream Chimney is hosting this mix, because the only place these tracks really ever existed outside of my iPod was on Track of the Day. It was really The Dream Chimney community, particularly Ryan Chimney and Clunkified (hugest thanks Sentrall), that kicked my jams off of the internet and onto a record. Also it wouldn’t been possible without the creative support of so many other Chimneys, especially Sorcerer, Elf, Carousel, Electronimo, and Home Chime. You guys are all kind buddies forever. Putting this together brought back a lot of sweet memories of my days in the Bay Area, in particular that sun-baked apartment in the trees above Lake Merritt. These tracks have likely remained unreleased for good reason, but I hope its worth a listen for old times sake.
clear my sky – 2002
the fox – 2005
white tigers – 2008
i call her molecule – 2000
plums – 1999
doppelgänger – 2004
player piano – 2004
sunstroke 76 – 2001
pelican flamingo – 2007
theme from weldon vermont – 2003
7:32 a.m. – 2003
spaceship earth – 2009
MODLBOI / modern man – 2004

4 Comments Leave A Comment
Dream Chimney says:
December 1, 2015 at 7:34 amnever enough Hatchback mixes. thanks for the feature here too
nitrofurano says:
December 1, 2015 at 11:39 amis that above a soundcloud dead link embedded? nothing appears there – what should be playing from https://soundcloud.com/hatchback ?
nitrofurano says:
December 1, 2015 at 11:48 am(nevermind, i think that was a kind of soundclound server problem)
jason says:
December 6, 2015 at 12:09 amSpeaking of Dream Chimney, never been a better series of mixes than the Slowness series. I shall check this one out promptly then