Beacon + Medlar + Karmelloz + Max D
Beacon is back with this remix for Tomas Barfod touching on Little Dragon meets Ellen Allien / Apparat with the bubbly rhythm and all the transitioning parts flow soo easily into each other.
Medlar gets tapped to rework a Arthur Beatrice cut, the piece has such diversity and musicianship compared to most remixes these days. What really grabs me is the amount of quality downtime in the breakdown and the full opening of the song in the last 2 minutes that fuses together soo many genres without ever feeling like he lost control.
1080p delivering another internet uncovered gem, this is getting ridiculous because the vaporwave umbrella can only hold soo many soundcloud musicians, this is spewing into the New Age world but giving us one of the most interesting takes on utopia, i’m completely drenched in happiness that this sound is happening.
Having trouble finding any of the House Of Doors material as MP3’s, i’m just picking up the vinyl on Discogs. The only full track I could find is this Max D remix that touches on that Dutch Techno sound and very much inspired by some 90s Hardcastle jams.

2 Comments Leave A Comment
Frank says:
May 29, 2014 at 8:55 amLove this selection. Can we get a new playlist soon!!?
Candy Crush 147 says:
September 2, 2014 at 11:34 pmAppreciation to my father who informed me on the topic of
this webpage, this website is truly awesome.