Cooling Google Data Centers
Posted by Collective
Stunning images from various Google data centers around the world. I’m always amazed when I see how intricate and complex all this network routing can get, but the images I’m most drawn to in these galleries are the photos that show the routing of something else: water.
The cooing tech seems just as complex as the rest of it all, and they make great use of color to help identify different water types and their functions. For example, in Hamina Finland, one color designates highly pressurized clean and filtered water for use in the event of a fire, while another designates seawater pulled from the Gulf of Finland, used solely for cooling purposes.
Posted by:
Rob Fissmer

4 Comments Leave A Comment
Nthn says:
October 19, 2012 at 7:23 pmSo the internet really is just a series of tubes!
October 20, 2012 at 8:49 am“DATA ain’t free,” says Mother Earth.
melissa says:
October 28, 2012 at 6:00 pmcooing?
Asu says:
October 31, 2012 at 12:52 amWhy does the info provided in your inmftoarion always appear to be a matter of history? You are offering me info about upcoming Firefox 4.0b7, which you note is delayed until December, while I am now running Firefox 4.0b8. Maybe, there is a difference in the tree matrix and I am on a different limb?