Yoshi Sodeokas Analog Synthesized Video
Posted by Jakub
Yoshi Sodeoka is the man behind the latest video Elephant from Tame Impala. WHat you should know is that the man has been making analog synthesized videos since 2005 along with DVD, prints and also audio pieces. My favorite video has to be Violet Dark Spring of the Numinous Orb(poster and video above), its a little more my speed.

4 Comments Leave A Comment
Reilly says:
September 25, 2012 at 10:29 amLove Yoshi’s work, especially back in the C404 days. Legendary stuff!
BradConrad says:
September 25, 2012 at 9:48 pmTame Impala sound like if Syd Barrett bought a Big Muff Pi and joined Black Sabbath during an Ozzy blackout right before Master of Reality. Oh yeah and Rick Wakeman was stoned in the adjacent studio and said “yeah sure…” I like.
Anonymous says:
October 1, 2012 at 2:08 pmbrad conrad, i think you right about rick wakeman being there stoned.
Linda says:
December 7, 2012 at 7:26 pmI’m down for a sequel to Luigi’s Mansion.You’re ablolutesy right that it’s a travesty it didn’t get more buzz than it did. I find it odd that people would complain about how different it is, and yet now these same folks are whining about how Nintendo isn’t daring. Maybe someday they’ll realize that, unless you support innovation, Nintendo won’t either.I do have a question though: what would they replace the Game Boy Horror with!?