Nosaj Thing + Trust + Black Marble + Inc.
Its been years and he was still able to sell out crowds all across the world, Nosaj Thing has a new album and here’s our first taste featuring a delicate and haunting appearance from Kazu Makino of Blonde Redhead.
Trust has a new EP coming to us, its the perfect marriage of true 80s goth dance music and melody, I don’t think i’ve ever taken it off any playlist since i’ve heard him.
What genuine collection of tracks by the Brooklyn duo Black Marble, if you want something darker than the DIIV LP and a hint of gloom then these guys are for you. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
It’s always a surprise when a band signs to 4AD, I think of them as this unreachable label that signs Deerhunter sized acts but they take risks like every other label and 9 out of 10 times they make some of the best decisions. Inc is on that R&B tip its not that tragically smooth stuff, it has that crispness to it, definitely want to see more, maybe they’ll tour with Beacon, that’d be soo much ambient driven R&B, i’d probably need a couch.

8 Comments Leave A Comment
Steve Blair says:
September 21, 2012 at 9:46 pmReally nice work on the vox in that Nosaj Thing track.
hasan says:
September 21, 2012 at 11:12 pmIt’s a informative tools..thanks to share
Evan says:
September 22, 2012 at 1:17 pmLoving the Inc track. “Crisp” is the perfect word for it.
Ryan Hageman says:
September 22, 2012 at 6:36 pmThe poster is by Mitsuo Katsui for the Japanese type foundry, Morisawa, in 2008. More of his work here:
ellie says:
September 23, 2012 at 9:02 pmThis one’s a pretty interesting find. I’m trying to look for fresh new music over the internet to fill m playlist and the track is great! Here’s also another inspirational track that I found:
Maguvha says:
October 2, 2012 at 9:29 amThank’s just for this. I became srncehiag about it along with thankfully I came across your website. This really is probably the most educational of all in which Possess seen and incredibly well organised.
LOREN says:
October 21, 2012 at 2:55 amWho the fuck is Deerhunter? Since when is 4AD an “unreachable” label? They haven’t released anything worth writing home about since Bauhaus and Cocteau Twins.
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