ISO50: Soundcloud Who To Follow Guide: #3
I see even bigger things happening for Soundcloud in the future, mainly the community within it coming closer so I decide to start a guide of people to follow if you like what’s on ISO50. Below I started off with frequent users that make your feed more enjoyable with quality posts.
This week we start off with San Francisco locals and good friends who are one of my favorites to follow on Soundcloud, they have plenty of material and are always actively finding and sharing new artists. Moderna has a growing collection of short mixes that always are perfect for weekend nights, making her someone to see if you’re in LA. Since astrangelyisolatedplace started their label they are one of the higher quality labels in the ambient world, recently they got to share a new Markus Guentner EP with the world which is undeniably lush and perfect.
DJ: Moderna
RECORD LABEL: astrangelyisolatedplace

4 Comments Leave A Comment
presentation boards says:
August 15, 2012 at 4:34 amModerna has a growing collection of short mixes that always are perfect for weekend nights, making her someone to see if you’re in LA. Since
Martin Reisch says:
August 15, 2012 at 12:45 pmvery happy to see the ISO50 blog on Sonudcloud :)
Cornelius says:
August 15, 2012 at 5:44 pmThat astrangelyisolatiedplace blog is one of the most beautiful little finds on the net. All the best in ambience in the world right now under one roof, givimng away mixes for free. This is why the internet, now and again, kicks ass. Highly recommended.
Phillip says:
August 19, 2012 at 2:44 amThis is perfect, I just signed up for soundcloud. I’m happy to see ISO50 there now too!