Danny Heller
Rarely does an artist’s work speak to me on such a profound level that I must own, at least try to, as many originals as I can. In this case, Danny Heller brings that sensation to me. I can’t explain how Danny’s work speaks to me. Danny’s work floods me with nostalgic memories of very specific moments in my life that have happened. They weren’t epic moments of anything crazy. Just life. There’s a calm, simple, serenity to his work that reassures me that the choices I’ve made living in Southern California couldn’t have been better. The above examples are mostly studies of Palm Springs, CA but it’s his LA Visions series that first won me over.
Danny Heller is an oil painter (yes, painter) who was born and raised in Southern California and it clearly shows in his work. Check out his impressive portfolio or drop by a gallery and have your mind blown at the near hyper realism of his paintings in person. If you’ve lived in the San Fernando Valley, you’ll probably have experienced a day like one of Danny’s paintings. http://dannyhellerart.com

4 Comments Leave A Comment
davehardy says:
June 22, 2012 at 1:46 pm“Hyper realism” is right! I thought that first one was a photograph until I looked at the clouds. These paintings are very, very good. Thanks for the post, Navis!
Jakub says:
June 22, 2012 at 1:52 pmI was fooled too, I was like these are alright photos then
Anna says:
June 24, 2012 at 9:14 amDefinitely did not realize they were paintings until the fourth one in. The Eames house one is absolutely incredible.
Paul Anthony Webb says:
June 25, 2012 at 3:33 pmOh my gawd, these are *paintings*? T_T So beautiful…