Top 15 Music Videos Of 2011
Turn down the lights, fire up the projector and light a candle if that’s your style…here’s my picks for the Top 15 Music Videos Of 2011. I tried to encompass a lot of image styles and music in this list. There’s all types of directors and production scales ranging from Canon 7D equipped bare bones budgets to freaking Michel Gondry shooting stop motion on a Bolex (or so I read). I think that’s what’s crazy and great about being a director and designer in this time. If you want to, you have access to pretty much everything (visually speaking) if you put time into it. Hopefully some directors, DPs and photographers are inspired by this, it was a good year for the moving image and I suspect it to only get better and more creative in 2012. Hope you all dig the list and if you make it through each video all the way through, no skipping…you can rule out any form of attention deficit disorder.
I haven’t listed any of these in a rank, only because they’re all good at specific things. However, if I had to pick one favorite, it’d be Eric Epstein’s magically haunting work for Memory Tapes.
View all the videos after the break
Memory Tapes “Yes I Know”
Director – Eric Epstein
Caribou “Jamelia”
Director – Video Marsh
Björk “Crystalline”
Director – Michel Gondry
Lord Huron “The Stranger”
Director – Jacob Mendel
The Naked and Famous “The Sun”
Director – Special Problems
Battles “Ice Cream”
Director – Canada
Youth Lagoon “Montana”
Director – Tyler T Williams
M83 “Midnight City”
Director – Fleur & Manu
Tennis “Take Me Somewhere”
Director – Ian Perlman
Hooray For Earth “True Loves”
Director – Young Replicant
Matthew Dear “Headcage”
Director – Morgan Beringer
Efterklang “Modern Drift”
Director – Vincent Moon
Little Dragon “Little Man”
Director – Yours Truly / French Press Films
Twin Shadow “‘в моих пятках’ (At My Heels)” Director Commentary Version
Director – Alex Markman
Toro Y Moi “How I Know”
Director – Jordan Kim

20 Comments Leave A Comment
Ben says:
December 20, 2011 at 2:13 pmThe Toro Y Moi video was filmed in Angeleno Heights, in a house very familiar to this poster. Major props.
Jared Keith says:
December 20, 2011 at 4:36 pmThis list is solid gold.
Tyler says:
December 20, 2011 at 5:44 pmAwesome list, thanks Charles!
f_u says:
December 20, 2011 at 7:43 pmmost hipsterish top, what i’ve seen.
Maxime says:
December 20, 2011 at 7:55 pmWhere’s “Look At Me Now”? :(
Alden says:
December 20, 2011 at 8:03 pmHow did com truise not make this list?
Tav says:
December 20, 2011 at 8:57 pmThe only thing wrong with this list is that Matthew Dears “Slowdance” isn’t on it ;)
Adrian says:
December 20, 2011 at 9:58 pmExcellent list. It’s hard to choose, but you might also consider a recent favorite of mine, Flight Facilities – Foreign Affair. The spirit of those times is eternal.
cleanbutcool says:
December 21, 2011 at 12:37 amGood list ! What about Gustav Johansson’s clip for Karl X Johan’s “Flame” : ?
Sean says:
December 21, 2011 at 3:26 amWhat an excellent list! I’ve already shared a number of these gems with my friends. Some are down right cool, like Toro Y Moi’s “How I Know,” But some are simply evocative, like Lord Huron’s “Stranger.” That video is soooo sad!–but very well done. M83’s “Midnight City” is just badass. I would try to shatter glass with my brain power when I was a kid, so the video was a kind of desire brought to life.
Sean says:
December 21, 2011 at 3:45 amCorrection: “Montana” by Youth Lagoon is the saddest video on the list. My lord! But so well done. Oh Memory, how you haunt us.
Jay says:
December 21, 2011 at 4:08 amGreat list. I thought this one would be a good contender for 2011
ben says:
December 21, 2011 at 4:02 pmM83’s “Midnight City” is almost a shot for shot recreation of the beginning of Akira.
Charles says:
December 22, 2011 at 4:12 amKeep the suggestions coming, I like seeing what everyone else saw as their favorite this year!
Poreb says:
December 22, 2011 at 6:25 amThat one was pretty amazing as well !
B says:
January 1, 2012 at 6:22 amGotye?
Jessie says:
January 3, 2012 at 2:51 pmLove this list! Was the Woodkid “Iron” video from 2011?
Jessie says:
January 3, 2012 at 2:52 pmLove this list! Was the Woodkid “Iron” video from 2011?
Bella says:
January 18, 2012 at 5:02 amAll the videos are stupendous…. loved all. Nice collection… Hope for the same next time.
SCS says:
February 2, 2012 at 8:47 pm2011 피치포크가 선정한 최고의 새음악 TORO Y MOl 내한 2.17