Pocket Protectors
Posted by Jakub
Go ahead and laugh but these dress shirt saving vinyl badges at one time we’re great because advertising designers could have that extra chance to put their logo somewhere in a creative way. I love the layout on these, there is a whole huge collection here.

6 Comments Leave A Comment
Forrest says:
September 3, 2008 at 7:57 pmThese are great, is anyone selling these?
Eve Martel says:
September 4, 2008 at 6:18 amScott should design one for the store.
Jakub says:
September 4, 2008 at 10:38 amEve –
I agree, i actually looked into them for myself but i don’t feel like ordering 500 or 50 of just white ones
Steve-O says:
September 4, 2008 at 10:41 amEnter the ISO50 pocket protector.
BigClock says:
February 20, 2010 at 1:53 pm+ Могу рекомендовать Вам посетить сайт, на котором есть много статей на интересующую Вас тему.
Браво, мне кажется, это великолепная фраза
Это мне совсем не подходит.
Такова жизнь. Ничего не поделаешь.
Раньше я думал иначе, большое спасибо за информацию.