6th Boro+Drifter+Psychemagik+Function
I sometimes wonder what some of you think of the house tracks that take a few minutes to start up? I seem to find any small changes in the repetition enjoyable. This 6th Borough Project packaging is nuts, I love the layout, I probably wouldn’t have checked it out if that art wasn’t there, glad I did.
The beat scene is growing at a rapid rate, soo fast that producers that have only been around for 2 years become legends to some in 6 months. I’ve never heard of Drifter but those vibrating keys kept me around and the drums made me head to his bandcamp for the free download.
I’ve been keeping my eye on Psychemagik mostly for his edits, if you love this one then google search for his Talking Heads edit.
Function co-runs a label called Sandwell District(love that name), a great label for stripped down techno. If you appreciated Sleeparchive in the past and want more of that then just search thru the Sandwell District catalog.

4 Comments Leave A Comment
Ernesto Alonso says:
May 27, 2011 at 4:07 pmThe transparent orange vinyl is kind of an ‘analog’ version of a circle in multiply, which makes a beautiful combination next to the album cover
(Rather the looks more than the sound though)
Saludos de México
maciej.mgm says:
May 28, 2011 at 6:45 amHey, I started to review your site two months ago. I’m really interested ’bout your projects, and projects you’re puttin’ on your blog. I’m from Poland and I’m trying to be a graphic designer :P
It’s about that I’m searching a lot of projects to get to know new technics and stuff like that. In my country I can’t find any interesting design…ofcourse there are some curious one but I wanted to thank you officialy for this things in here. Everything is just hillarious! It’s really nice to enter here and just see these prints, graphics and everything. Thanks!
Evan says:
May 29, 2011 at 11:04 amDrifter Rhodes sample has got to be Portishead – Roads!
oh god roads….rhodes….
did i just now get that
Abe says:
May 31, 2011 at 1:27 pmBeen diggin on 6th Borough for a while now. I’ve been a house junkie all of my adult life and this is the kind of house that I like the most; soulful, funky and addictive. The packaging is new to me so its good to see two elements come together nicely.