Banjo Or Freakout + Forma + Bvdub
Posted by Jakub
If you’re Banjo Or Freakout please tell me what the second to the last song you played in Brooklyn the other night, its killin’ me BUT on the other hand I found 2 amazing songs by you.
This new Forma uses these soft hypnotic synth sounds that I probably couldn’t imagine living without after hearing them the first time, I love the daze it puts me in.
Bvdub never fails me, he always delivers what I want to hear and feel when I sit down and put him on.
P. S. I can’t find a photo credit for this photo of James Dean playing Ping Pong.

3 Comments Leave A Comment
Jesse says:
March 27, 2011 at 11:39 amGreat! Since I work a lot on the weekends, I love when you do weekend posts. Thanks!
Tyler says:
March 27, 2011 at 12:28 pmGreat selections .. I’ve had that new Forma on repeat for the last few days. Such a good tune to drift away to.
Cornelius says:
March 27, 2011 at 2:21 pmThat BVDUB track is f**king immense.