Monogold + FIF + Women + Catwalk
Monogold’s album is a soft spoken mixture of whats in the main vein of quality indie rock in Brooklyn hasn’t that been taken over by lo-fi. It has its psychedelic touch, that vocal delivery of ARMS, Grizzly Bear and Arcade Fire, and mingles with the handful bands that embraced the Animal Collective sound, I don’t usually have a bunch indie rock on here but I feel very comfortable sharing this song with you.
Toronto’s Foxes In Fiction is becoming my gateway drug to give away to people that don’t know much about whats going in music these days. Its friendly, poppy, and hooky but with thought out texture that I can respect which makes it easy to suggest or recommend to young and old listeners. Download this song off his Alberto EP on his site for FREE.
I’m always waiting for Women to come to Brooklyn, I want to hear an old song called Lawncare live but i’ve been trying to find my favorite on their new LP Public Strain, i’ve been leaning towards this song because of the guitars.
The Captured Tracks people can do no wrong, you follow up The Soft Moon with Minks then a slew of amazing 7 inch singles?! half way thru this song I feel like summer is almost here.
Would love to give photo credit, anyone have any ideas?

6 Comments Leave A Comment
Ross says:
February 4, 2011 at 11:06 amGreat tracks as usual Jakub. I miss the old player though. It was nice to see which song was playing when something I like comes up. It would be great if you could bring that feature back.
Luca says:
February 4, 2011 at 1:19 pmPhoto credit Guy Aroch.
AndresM says:
February 5, 2011 at 1:08 pmJust grabbed the Monogold album from the bandcamp site. Already know this will still be regularly playing in December. Gracias Senior.
Andrew says:
February 7, 2011 at 8:15 amI’m with Ross. Great music, I just wish I knew which song was playing.
Brian says:
February 9, 2011 at 7:11 pmOutstanding music. Thanks for the post.
Dylan says:
February 17, 2011 at 12:21 pmI thought that was a Guy shot. You should take a look at his work – he is very talented and in keeping with the overall aesthetic you seem to like in photographers. (Based on what you have shown)