White Rainbow: Sea Thru EP
Posted by Jakub
Its November and its time to start digging for new ambient projects to listen to in the background while you take up a new hobby over the winter like putting up new handmade wallpaper in a very OCD fashion, reorganizing those sport cards you collected in the 90’s, re-lacing your shoes in that new way you like them now, or wiping the dust off your plants that you barely water. I highly suggest that you check out White Rainbow’s new EP See Thru thats listed under the always enjoyable NAME YOUR OWN PRICE option, you won’t be disappointed if your a Loscil or Benoit Pioulard fan.

9 Comments Leave A Comment
Ryan says:
November 3, 2010 at 3:54 pmNice. A welcome sustained pause in the middle of a hectic week. Really like the time-warping nuance and subtle low-fi-ness. Initial reaction is that it reminds me I haven’t listened to any Flying Saucer Attack in quite a long time [ digs out his copy of the FSA vs Tele:Funken remix album ]
Applecart says:
November 3, 2010 at 4:23 pmIt’s so long I only sampled pieces.. but sounds really cool :)
glad he’s on bandcamp.. helps a poor guy like me out ^_^
Luke Jones says:
November 3, 2010 at 4:24 pmAwesome soundscape – even better though, I love the album cover.
Cornelius says:
November 4, 2010 at 2:14 amBeautiful stuff. Threw them a few dollars.
Jakub do you have any other sweet ambient recommendations just now? I’m a big Loscil/Sight Below/Pop Ambient fan. Need some new tunes to listen to on these cold, Scottish winter nights and you are the man with his finger on the pulse it would seem!
Ramune (every.seven) says:
November 4, 2010 at 5:54 amThis is really quite perfect for a rainy day like today. Now to find some new hobby . . . I should probably start counting raindrops.
Oscar says:
November 4, 2010 at 6:42 amwow! thank you, thank you, thank you ! that’s all i have to say! 2 main reasons i check this blog: design inspiration & music :) keep up the good work!
Alex / HeadUp says:
November 4, 2010 at 8:27 amIncredible soundscapes here! Perfect for de-compression, sleep, rain, snow, you name it.
Jesse says:
November 4, 2010 at 1:02 pmamazing as always Jakub, thanks. Perfect for working while looking out my window at the foggy pine covered hills i live below.
golukas says:
November 5, 2010 at 10:18 amso wow Jakub! and also its autumn, that’s perfect trip on autumn,
thnks a lot Jakub.