Moog Voyager XL
Moog just announced the new XL version of their Voyager synth. This is pretty exciting news considering the dearth of manufacturers these days willing to go out on a limb with a fully analog design. When I first saw the press shots I was really hoping it was going to be polyphonic, a modern Memorymoog maybe. But after checking the specs I was disappointed to learn that it’s just a mono synth like it’s Voyager brethren. What was even more disappointing was the price: $5,000 USD. While this is a beautiful piece of equipment and I appreciate the fact that they are produced on a small scale, that just seems like a lot for a larger — albeit still mono — Voyager with VX and CV tacked on. From what I can tell the same functionality could be had by getting a Voyager Rack and the expander boxes.
Also like the previous Voyagers, it’s pretty much in line visually with the original Model D design cues, which I adore. But I have a Voyager Rack and have always been disappointed by the body. The original Minimoogs had an incredible paint job and color scheme. Even the typography was amazing. The new stuff has a big sticker for the interface, as opposed to being screened directly on to the metal. It’s details like this that can really undercut an otherwise quality design. That being said, I’d have to say it’s still one of the prettiest synths out there, save for the Virus TI2 of course.
At any rate it’s still one of the most beautiful sounding musical instruments that you’ll ever hear.
And here are a couple of vintage Moog ads for good measure.

15 Comments Leave A Comment
AlexDelarge says:
September 16, 2010 at 6:21 amI collect old MOOG ads. They’re so amazing! I wish I had this new beast but no time in my future am I spending 5000 on any synth.
Michael says:
September 16, 2010 at 7:53 amYeah. It looks (and probably sounds) fantastic, but not $5000 fantastic. Nice ads.
Chris says:
September 16, 2010 at 10:05 amFor $5000 there shouldn’t be any stickers. The should be silk-screened at the least.
Austin says:
September 16, 2010 at 11:03 amIt isn’t exactly just a “sticker”. The ones I use (which look identical to Moog’s), are lexan graphic overlays that are silkscreened on the rear surface. They are more durable than printing directly to metal, since the lexan panel protects the ink. I do agree that screen printing directly to the paint is classier. Also $5k is certainly a lot of money, but not overpriced. There is a lot that goes into these and they’re built on a small scale.
For anyone that’s interested in the modular aspect of this Moog, eurorack format offers a much lower cost of entry and there are many interesting designs available from several small manufacturers.
chris says:
September 16, 2010 at 3:12 pmmoogs are great. but theres no point on getting this. i have a little phatty already. id rather spend that kind of money on a jupiter 8. i also really have more of a liking to the Roland SH-5 rather then the variety of moogs out there.
chris says:
September 16, 2010 at 3:15 pmto add to that. 5000 is a HUGE PRICE for any monophonic synth.
Scott says:
September 16, 2010 at 5:15 pmYeah, it is a very high price. The added modularity and full keyboard are pluses, but not worth it for me. I do think this would be a great piece for the (successful) touring musician… you don’t have to hook up the vx/cv boxes, it’s all integrated.
yeah, I don’t believe they are gouging anyone, I’d be willing to bet they’re operating on a pretty thin margin. that’s why synths like this will always be boutique.
lupe says:
September 16, 2010 at 5:47 pmoh! oh!…. and again: OH!
Chris says:
September 16, 2010 at 6:05 pmon a completely different note:
I would love to see you implement a pop-out player for the site….just sayin.
новости Apple says:
September 16, 2010 at 7:26 pmА представьте, если бы Ваш блог был бы повыше в рейтинге Яндекса, очень много бы людей прочли этот пост.
Mackenzie says:
September 17, 2010 at 8:39 amIts interesting how talk of this synth from what every forum, message board, or blog you find online all gravitate towards the synths price point and mono features. Make you think Moog didn’t do enough market research. You could make one of these your self like Scott mentioned with all Moog gear(minus the nice ribbon controller) for cheaper. That fact being a mono synth isn’t that bad, you could build an impressive modular or half a Bucla for the same price. Thanks anyways Moog, but I still rather buy one of your vintage synths.
Kev-in-Detroit says:
September 20, 2010 at 7:40 amI wish I had the money and space for this thing. Gotta love Reaktor otherwise.
shhogax says:
September 20, 2010 at 2:56 pmBoris Müller says:
September 22, 2010 at 12:51 am
this is currently doing the rounds in graphics studios, this post made me think about it :-D
愛森泉(シンセサイザー奏者) says:
January 1, 2011 at 1:00 am私も使用しています!
memory moog 美しい音色ですよね!