NDK Research
Posted by Shelby White
This project was created by Bulgarian designer Mihail Mihaylov. The project is an exploration of The National Palace of Culture’s signage system. The project is very stylistically pleasing, but I really wish there was more information to fill in the projects gaps.

6 Comments Leave A Comment
Ivan says:
August 10, 2010 at 8:48 amIs it just me or is that Palace really has a shape of some kind of head? I find it beautiful. So is the GD and the layouts.
Asif says:
August 10, 2010 at 11:10 amIvan are you talking from the front view (third pic down)? Kinda looks like a robot cyclops. I’m diggin the bathroom pictogram, specifically the women’s half-circle arms and skirt.
Shelby says:
August 10, 2010 at 2:19 pmI think he means from the top/aerial view seen in this picture.
The iconography is particularly beautiful as well: Icons
Mihail MIhaylov says:
August 18, 2010 at 7:09 amI was thrilled to see this in your blog! I worked alone on this and haven’t got enough time to make a wider research. Those sheets are a result of 3 hours spent walking and shooting around then sorting in order to reveal the system’s integrity along with the architecture and interior. It was more as a “visual” challenge for me and It was done as a part of my portfolio when applying for Master’s of GD in Holland.
Be sure – this building deserves a whole book to feature all its history and interesting issues around it, I hope that soon I will be able to gather more complete information, but anyway I’m glad guys that you like it!
Maria says:
November 9, 2010 at 1:46 pmI’m happy I found this blog! Appreciated! It helps me do my research for the National Palace of Culture.
Good luck guys!