Tycho Live In San Francisco July 9th
Posted by Scott
I’ll be playing a Tycho set in San Francisco at Mezzanine on Friday, July 9th, 2010 as part of this year’s Ghostly Showcase. It’s a great lineup and last year’s show at Mezzanine was incredible so this one is not to be missed. I’ll be debuting some new material from the upcoming album and should have a couple other surprises and guests in store. Should be a great night, I hope to see you out there.
Ghostly Live A/V Showcase
Featuring live audio and visual performances.
Friday July 9th 10pm
The Sight Below
Mux Mool
@ Mezzanine
444 Jessie Street
San Francisco, CA
Tickets $20ADV $25DOOR

7 Comments Leave A Comment
alyssa says:
June 4, 2010 at 6:08 ami’m deeply envious, as i live on the opposite end of the country. i would have made the toronto show, but i found out too late to renew my passport.
any plans to come to the philly/nyc area?
Blake Barton says:
June 4, 2010 at 6:09 amImage abobe looks like the 2nd Tortoise album, Millions Now Living Will Never Die:
Zach Burson says:
June 4, 2010 at 8:13 amWow, this sounds like one of the best shows I would go to, but unfortunately can’t go to. I was thinking about taking out time from work for a week and flying from Germany to San Fransisco just for this event. Please record it so us less fortunate may watch. :)
rent says:
June 4, 2010 at 11:30 amI’ll definitely try and be there. This lineup is choice!
Evan Scott says:
June 4, 2010 at 12:43 pmNow THAT’S a lineup!
alyssa says:
June 6, 2010 at 12:47 amyeah, i’m now considering flying to san fran for the show. i’ll make a vacation of it. does anyone know of a good (inexpensive) place to stay? i would most likely be going alone, so i would love to meet some like-minded music lovers…please contact me if you’re going and would like to meet beforehand :).
Keith says:
June 11, 2010 at 12:21 pmThis is too good to pass up…absolutely worth the flight from DC…