New Tycho Single Out 5/27/08
Update: The single is now available, click here for more info.
The new Tycho single / b-side entitled "Adrift / From Home" will be out next Tuesday, May 27th, 2008. This marks my second release with Ghostly International leading up to the full album scheduled for next year. This single will be available exclusively through iTunes for the first month, and at all other online retailers thereafter. While Adrift is a brand new, unreleased track, some of you may notice that From Home was originally released as part of the Past is Prologue album on Merck. This is because as part of this series of singles, I’ve decided to include the extra tracks which were included on the Merck version of Sunrise Projector (renamed Past is Prologue) so that they are available individually for people who bought the original version of the album and missed out on the new material. I’ve posted a couple clips of the songs below, enjoy.
On a design note, this of course represents new ISO50 work. It’s the first album cover I’ve done in a while and I really enjoyed the process this time around. I wanted to evoke the feeling of a 45 record from the heyday of singles and go with a really reserved, minimal type treatment. It’s also meant to carry over the circle concept from the last single. Anyways, on to the music:
Tycho – Adrift
Tycho – From Home
More Info at Tychomusic & Ghostly International.

48 Comments Leave A Comment
Rae Davis says:
May 19, 2008 at 11:46 pmOMG!
That cover is amazing.
Jayden says:
May 20, 2008 at 12:05 amLoving the new tunes mate
Secret Owl says:
May 20, 2008 at 12:44 amDamn, you just had to go and show me up, didn’t you? I just spent over 12 hours working on a poster and now I feel bad.
But, regardless, absolutely fantastic stuff!
Jeremy Stereo says:
May 20, 2008 at 12:53 amjust ‘WOW’
dani says:
May 20, 2008 at 1:10 amgreat song scotty, can’t wait for the full album
Paul Tebbott says:
May 20, 2008 at 4:43 amAmazing cover, amazing song. Really looking forward to the full album.
Jay says:
May 20, 2008 at 6:08 amWill the the single on iTunes be available in iTunes+ (no DRM) format?
Because if not, I’ll have to wait until it’s on AmazonMP3 or other similar No-DRM stores.
Keep up the great work, can’t wait for the full album!
Yannic Walter says:
May 20, 2008 at 7:43 amAmazing, looking forward to the release!
JMO says:
May 20, 2008 at 7:52 amIt will be available as iTunes+.
jv says:
May 20, 2008 at 8:05 ambeautiful cover! great sounds!
Felipe says:
May 20, 2008 at 8:09 amI love all of Tycho tunes….it´s the best soundtrack for a nice day of work. That followed by the awesome ISO50 design work, makes this project something unique.
Do you plan to make a post someday telling about your tools when recording stuff? like your equipment and softwares.
Keep it up!
Leigh says:
May 20, 2008 at 8:38 amWait a minute, I’ve heard that beat before!
Can’t wait!
Joaquim Marquès Nielsen says:
May 20, 2008 at 9:02 amOh my God… word cannot describe this, I just have to say something. I’ve just listened to the first bit of Adrift, and I’m absolutely speechless… The minute the bass hit my eardrums, I literally couldn’t move and I had the goosebumps, no joke… Just sat there and listened, looking at the cover as it almost came out of the screen and pulled me in. Wauw… You’re totally out of this world man…
The utmost respect.
joshua says:
May 20, 2008 at 9:07 amNothing new to say here. Slick cover, brilliant music (as usual) Keep it up man.
gustaf says:
May 20, 2008 at 9:56 amDamn! You mean we have to wait until NEXT YEAR for the album?
roberto romero says:
May 20, 2008 at 11:03 amScott, thank you so much man. Adrift is so fine like all Tycho stuff, i can’t wait anymore to listen the complete track. Regards from Mexico.
Hugo Meira says:
May 20, 2008 at 1:40 pmAdrift is wonderful, only some seconds… Cool design.
But the next album only for next year?
Steve says:
May 20, 2008 at 1:56 pmI am loving this new art direction. I am also loving the new single, and the two songs compliment each other very well. Keep up the good work!
jefta Varwijk says:
May 20, 2008 at 2:44 pmdifferent iso50 art: hmm. It’s nice to notice that you’re not too hooked on the what we will call the typical iso50 style. Personally i like the clean stuff better, like the latvian magazine you posted. Still this looks pretty balanced and pretty non-photoshop.
so, did you paint?
Grady says:
May 20, 2008 at 6:07 pmit sounds awesome, but I’ve gotta say I’m a little concerned at how similar the beat is to Cascade and The Daydream. hopefully the rest of the album changes it up.
and the cover looks like some sexy difference layer work. :]
Jon says:
May 20, 2008 at 6:32 pmIt sounds stellar, and the cover art is a mind blower. But, I have to agree with Grady, it sounds very similar to some of your other stuff. But it’s not like the Beatles ever wrote songs that sounded a bit alike… ;)
Scott says:
May 20, 2008 at 7:34 pmThanks everyone…. as for the similarities: This and the Cascade single were at one time two parts of the same song, but I ended up splitting off the Cascade version for live use and then recording it for the Ghostly Swim comp. If you are referring to the drums, I play most of the drums on the same drum kit and used an 808 for both track so of course things are going to be a bit similar, although I am not hearing the similarities between these 2 tracks and Daydream. As for the full album, you can expect things to be different than these tracks, more like Daydream and further past that direction. These were sort of the tail end of the sessions that produced From Home and Disconnect (from Past is Prologue) and so represent a different mood and style than the material which will comprise the bulk of the full album.
Jeffrey says:
May 20, 2008 at 10:01 pmDefinitely like the new track. As for the art I like the colors but it seems a bit too busy.
Killer wait, though.
NAVIS says:
May 21, 2008 at 3:25 amScott… just so you know, I will be having sex to Adrift.
That beat is dead on. Love it.
NAVIS says:
May 21, 2008 at 3:28 amI can also imagine hearing your new works on Groove Salad. I love that station.
Grady says:
May 21, 2008 at 5:23 amScott- it’s when the beat repeats about 3 times, and on the 4th time the snare is hit twice.
A Dawg says:
May 21, 2008 at 5:59 pmWoow i cant evan begin to think of words to describe this piece :o
vlad says:
May 21, 2008 at 9:44 pmYes yes yes yes. I love seeing the new style coming in. Great work. This teaser makes the wait worth while. I was going to Detroit, but had to cancel plans. I was going only to see you live…
Oh well maybe sometime soon. If anyone invites you to DC, please come. We have amazing underground minimal-house-techno parties. Hope to see you someday.
You’re great inspiration.
Ronnie says:
May 21, 2008 at 9:56 pmi hate to be a party pooper and i’ll try and word this as respectfully as i can…hopefully without coming off as a pretentious and windy douche(and of course this is only my little opinion in a big sea of supporters)..but……i’m perplexed at how derivative tycho stuff is. i know, i’m missing the point…maybe it’s “just music”, a background that doesn’t really mean much and isn’t meant to be held to a standard or not taken seriously as an expression of your original self. i’ll admit i haven’t listened to every single tycho piece, but i’ve heard quite a bit. enough that it’s awfully familiar. i appreciate that influences are huge and inspiring to everyone’s art and that it’s natural to nick things from these influences, but the point, at least in my view, is progession & growth; to take those nuggets of inspiration and transcend towards something that’s comfortably(or uncomfortably depending on your goals)your own…something that’s tangibly original and unique and you. i just hear way too much of eoin/sandison to be convinced you’ve worked the influence of them fully through. and maybe you don’t want too, which is fine. i noticed the recent post of them and i’d be flabbergasted to learn you don’t count them as a primary influence in your music (or visual art for that matter).
btw…the cover is very nice(and i mean that devoid of any sarcasm or anything remotely smarmy…really…it’s wicked).
booby says:
May 23, 2008 at 12:19 pmI agree with ronnie. i know a whole sea of people do as well.
Tyler Smith says:
May 27, 2008 at 8:06 amNo, I completely disagree with that false and utterly ridiculous statement of ronnie about an artist who’s such an inspiration ….Tycho is incomparable, he has a class of his own. I can’t believe these BOC fans always prattling and comparing every new good electronic music artist with BOC. Give me a break for gos’s sake…get over that name already…anyway, I just wanted to drop by and say I freaking heart your music, and the new tune is amazingly fantastic ! Keep it up, mate !!
Boníall says:
May 27, 2008 at 9:02 pmBeen a huge fan of your music for many years now. But I’m an even bigger fan of your design work and aesthetic. What really struck me is the new album cover – talk about an awesome display of abstract expressionism. Very beautiful and original. You’ve always stayed fairly close to your Swiss graphic design style, which is great. But this latest work is truly refreshing. Hope to see more of it in the uture.
Paul says:
May 28, 2008 at 1:05 amI’ve been to one of your shows – not really big on the music. But I don’t know anything about music anyway. What I do know is that the album cover is dope! I harshly criticized the Obama poster, but the artwork for this album cover works really well. I would buy the album just for the cover.
Scott says:
May 28, 2008 at 1:21 amPaul-
your comments on the obama poster are welcomed, I combined the two you made into one comment because I don’t like when people comment multiple times on the same post under different names but saying essentially the same thing, I don’t know if you did that purposefully to give the impression of more people sharing your opinion, but it just seems like if you have something to say, why not be honest about who it’s coming from.
I am glad you like this work, but I don’t think a lot of the people who will be buying the progress print wouldn’t like this style, just as you didn’t like the other style.
Ryan says:
May 28, 2008 at 11:00 pmLove the music, again! Hopefully you’re sending a copy of the single to KDVS 90.3fm?
Dig the posters/prints too.
Keep up the great work Scott.
Anonymous says:
June 1, 2008 at 2:19 amThis music has changed my life. I used to listen to rap, now this. The best!
ThePhuture says:
June 3, 2008 at 1:14 pmDig the new track man, cant wait till the full album. Your music is amazing. I can listen to your tracks on repeat all day and still not get tired of listening to the same song over, and over. When I listen to the Past is Prologue Album I feel its the only music that can describe me without words, Not the me that I am to everybody, but my own personal me, the me that I am when alone, the me that no one can never understand but myself, sub-consciously. Really
helps to invision my designs before actually designing or composing.
I love to play your tracks on AudioSurf, you should check it out if you do not know what that program/game is.
AamiR says:
June 5, 2008 at 6:36 amOH
The new single is out of this world !!!
First The Daydream then Cascade and now Adrift. I’m drifting awayyyyy !!!
Scott, I’m DYING for the new album. :D:D
Keep it up !
Saeed says:
June 20, 2008 at 12:11 pmYo Peeps,
I think, the most of you Peeps are from the US or Canada…..
Well I’m from Amsterdam and I’m listening this music for like 4 years! Tychomusic brings you to another world of hapiness and good feelings that’s beyond words to describe. And all tracks are also amazing on the beach or just to chillout!!!
Scott Hansen…..Thanks for your amazing and insperating music! Because people are listening to your music, while they are creating new wonderfull solutions or ideas!!!
Greets from Holland, Amsterdam!!!
Jon Sun says:
July 11, 2008 at 1:11 amYour music and artwork is at another level, that I only can hope to aspire to. Thanks for sharing your vision.
Alex J. R. says:
July 27, 2008 at 1:08 amthis is the kind of music i only get to hear in my dreams…i’ve listened to Past is Prologue from one to thirteen so many times and it still sounds so fresh….it’s just one of those albums i’ll put on for my kids and have them drift off to sleep (Send And Receive is a personal fav. of mine :) )…your work speaks for itself, amazing…
^^ peace
PBS says:
August 3, 2008 at 1:46 amI’m amazed at the overflow of high quality creative output from you. Amazed. Use it well; you’ve been given an incredible gift. I also hope to aspire to this level of creativity, although that’s hard to believe. In the meantime, I’ll just enjoy your art and music! Keep up the good work..
Blufre says:
September 24, 2008 at 12:10 pmHi Scott. I must admit, I picked this one out from a random torrent somewhere by accident (while searching for new stuff by Jon Hopkins and Ulrich Schnauss), but just 5 seconds in on this “Adrift” tune you had me hooked!
I’m sure my little compliment is like a drop in the ocean, but your tunes really flew right into my inner heart. I just love the mellow guitar and the … ahh, overall sound! Thanks a lot for bringing this increadibly beautiful music to my ears! Can’t wait for your new album.
Alex J. R. says:
September 28, 2008 at 12:11 amhello again IS050/tycho, this might sound odd, but in regards to past is prologue, “PBS” is more or less the single for that album – i’m assuming, if you had to pick a song as a quote unquote single than for me that one fits the bill(which i suppose makes sense – i always find my friends or someone i know drawn to that song right away when i have them listen to the album), but ackwardly enough this song doesn’t do justice to the others. As a whole, it is of less ambience and more dancebeat than almost every other song on the album. For me personally it doesn’t summarize the album on a whole that other “singles” might.
My point is that, you mentioned the album might sound more like “daydream” and less like “adrift”, if i read correctly….
my assumption being – would the PBS comparsion to Past is Prologue reflect the Adrift comparison to Daydream….i know, i know, i’m dying to hear new stuff, just trying to wet my lips, not often a fan gets to talk to an artist he admires (rarely in fact)
my only concern is, (i love ambience – specfically yours:)), yet music and creating such a thing is more personally fueled more than anything i’m sure, i was just curious if the album if going to be more dancebeatish* or ambient….yet, u kinda already touched on this, so a response is really more optional….
your work reminds me so much of Susumu Yokota, love Symbol & Wonder Waltz…
Oh!*…love the artwork as well, very retro….
anyway, peace
Phil says:
December 8, 2008 at 9:34 amHello, I am in the uk and stumbled across your music on a online station.
It’s a lovely vibe scot, cheers for all your hours of getting those textures
and grooves rolling. I have a ear for a good tune and from the early 1993
Aphex Xtal, tha, Ptolemy, bubblebath, type of thing and all nice sounds that follow, Vessel, BOC which although has a like sound to it, is different.
Those guys have a different vibe!! I live in scotland to ;) the hills inspire.
It is a healthy thing to be inspired, the beautiful thing is every human
has there own vibe ( soul ) creative force! so just to clear things up your
vibe is well different to BOC! and smooooother in many ways i feel. I don’t download much but it was a easy move to download your stuff ( simply good production. Your drum loops are warm and on the money. Adrift cascade
daydream are great, hits the spot thanks.
Inspiration does not need to be worked through! you just feel the vibe
and do it your way. There is alot out there that sounds like Aphex, but
i have yet to come across anything that rolls with the tycho vibe.
Nice art work to.
I look forward to the day i can get my old 101 102 expander back out , plug it
through the reverb and hit a few smooth unision notes :).
Until then i feel very gifted to have some tycho tunes rolling around
on my juke box.
Have a great 09.
All one.
jpeg says:
December 25, 2008 at 6:44 amyou probably wont read this but i have to say you are such an inspiration to me yourmusic and posters inspire me so much. thank you for making artwork that can only be described as perfect
jake “jpeg’
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Holly Danger says:
November 15, 2010 at 8:49 pmHi Scott.. I’ve been studying this image and am really curious about the layers within…. what are those images? petals… various types of paper… collage..hand illustrated shapes? The beautiful part is that I really can’t decipher it.. but the designer in me had to ask.. Would you give some insight? I’d love to know where the images began..