Lisbon: Campo Pequeno
Posted by Scott
The festival has kept me pretty busy since we arrived so I haven’t had much time to walk around and get some pics. The first day / night I was able to get a few though, they are all from the Campo Pequeno area. We’ll have a couple extra days after OFFF is over to really explore, planning to get some bikes and ride all over this place. Really excited for that, from what I’ve seen there is a lot of visual stimuli out there just waiting to be shot. Still sort of limping along here with my Nikon D80. I’ve found ways around most of my big gripes with it but being at the OFFF I’ve seen a lot of people toting around their 5D’s and D400’s, been getting jealous.

20 Comments Leave A Comment
joshua says:
May 9, 2008 at 10:04 amWell regardless of the camera these are great!
Alan says:
May 9, 2008 at 11:43 amHey! I’ll take any of those. It’s hard enough trying to act cool with my Nikon D40x
Pedro says:
May 9, 2008 at 12:20 pmIt took me quite a while to read “Arco Íris” on the sign. Perhaps those were coloured neon lights? It means “Rainbow”.
Ben says:
May 9, 2008 at 12:51 pmI know you’re not a fan of the D80, but these are great shots. If you don’t mind me asking, how do you get them to appear so vibrant? What kinda post processing do you apply to them? I’d love to achieve something as good as this with my Fuji S9600.
Hugo says:
May 9, 2008 at 2:52 pmWish I had known about OFFF before, couldnt plan to attend because of client work.
Feel kinda bad cause its near and I would have got the chance to talk to some people I’ve got to know over the years like you and Pascal from g94.
But anyway I’m glad you’re enoying Lisboa and I wish you best of luck with the rest of the event and keep those pics coming :)
Dumitru Tira says:
May 9, 2008 at 3:29 pmI just remembered, there is a store near the Museum of Chiado(Lisbon’s downtown), and they are like sort of a vintage style store, you can get anything, from old portuguese pepermint gums to tuna fish and stuff, all with retro package, it’s awesome, you should check it ;)
Hélder Costa says:
May 9, 2008 at 4:34 pmHi Scott,
the store that Dumitru Tira refers is “Uma casa portuguesa”, it´s a store in Lisboa, it sells products from the past, i´m shure you will enjoy
Here´s the website:
The adress is :
Rua Anchieta 11
Chiado (near the Bertrand Library)
1200-023 Lisboa
I´m a big fan of your design work, and i love Tycho, i hope to see tycho in your next gig in Portugal
Christopher Cox says:
May 9, 2008 at 5:05 pmAh, I want to go there so bad. My wife is Brazilian. We have never been to Europe. We want to go so so bad. Portugal looks amazing. You are a lucky man.
Hélder Costa says:
May 9, 2008 at 5:50 pmOh, by the way,
if you have time, you should visit Porto, is in the north or Portugal, amazing town, good food, and good wine.
Analogie in colors: if Lisboa is white, Porto is grey.
Jenn says:
May 9, 2008 at 8:06 pmyou never cease to amaze, really enjoying the 12th one down..
Forrest says:
May 9, 2008 at 10:10 pmTalk about jealous! I must say, you’ve got a real handle on making your digital images look cross processed.
Phil says:
May 10, 2008 at 7:17 amGreat shots! Never been to Lisboa, but definitely looks like a great place to check out.
jefta Varwijk says:
May 10, 2008 at 1:24 pmdude get a flickr
Fred says:
May 11, 2008 at 6:05 amHi
I live a few blocks away from the hotel where you’re staying and it’s impressive the things you shot i know them from daily basis and are just there i dont even look at them any more.
I really love your work
If you need any thing like internet access just say something
cheers man
Scott says:
May 11, 2008 at 12:05 pmthanks fred…. I live in san francisco and do the exact same thing, at least in my neighborhood. some areas I still notice the interesting things, but in the mission neighborhood, it’s just a blur now. … unless there’s a new restaurant, always recognize that.,
fred says:
May 11, 2008 at 3:06 pmHi Scott
You should visit the Calouste Gulbenkian building (1969) is just a few blocks from campo pequeno is a museum and cultural house is held inside a park and its the most impressive modernist building i’m sure you’ll take wonderfull photos there.
If you ask on the street every one knows where it is.
Try to visit it inside is really a great example of modernist architecture and design.
Also look for “Palacio da Justiça” (near Gulbenkian) and if you stay till tuesday “Feira da Ladra” a street market where people sell old stuff (lots of garbage but also some cool stuff) the area where its held is also very nice.
cheers and enjoy the next few days
Alex says:
May 14, 2008 at 1:19 amHi Scott,
Great pix. Lisbon (as many other european cities) is a beautiful city. I hope you don’t mind if I ask you the same question as Ben earlier. How do you get your pictures so vibrant? I guess it’s either a combination of saturation & photo filtering, or/and some fine tuning with levels and the exposure in Photoshop. Ok … just a guess … Or even better; is the D80 that good that you can choose to process the image directly in the camera?
Really beautiful work.
Thanks for your help and inspiration.
Daniel Poot says:
May 20, 2008 at 8:10 amWhat camera did you use for this photos? very nice texture and lighting. And very well done crops too.
We are your fans Scott. Congratulations.