Post punk/dream pop darlings 800Beloved have just released their first single/4 track EP from their upcoming album Everything Purple which includes a shorter/popper album’s single. This upbeat track oozes dancing and falling in love at the same time, I love it so much I asked the band if I could give it away for FREE and they said yes so download it here for FREE.
If you don’t follow indie labels like I do then just understand that if your LP comes out on Domino or French Kiss then your golden, press will pick you up and you’ll definitely get a proper chance to be loved since their A+R know what their doing. Recent signings Local Natives are catchy and talented, I like how the drums are mixed, they seem to sound a bit more upfront which works really well for this track.
I found Sambassadeur a few weeks ago only after searching for some post rock Swedish bands that aren’t just The Mary Onettes and The Radio Dept. They have a Cranberries/The Sundays feel, this was the only track I picked up but after a few listens I definitely want more.
I have been really hooked to listening to music behind every commercial on TV during the Olympics and this Xx usage was one of the best i’ve heard to date, such a perfect match with AT&T I think it was.

15 Comments Leave A Comment
NAVIS says:
February 23, 2010 at 10:24 amHa – I was just about to say the song for the commercial with Apollo skating around the ice track is probably the best and boom…. there it is.
Shelby says:
February 23, 2010 at 11:30 amAha! I was wondering what track that was!
Everything Purple is great.
Brendan says:
February 23, 2010 at 11:40 amI can’t stop listening to the xx, but I have to say I find the use on the Olympics commercial annoying just because they speed the tempo up so much.
salemid says:
February 23, 2010 at 12:28 pmI like the sped up tempo more.
Brian says:
February 23, 2010 at 12:40 pmIf you are looking for more great Swedish Pop music, you should just check out the entire Labrador label, which contains Radio Dept., Mary Onettes, and Sambassadeur. I love The Legends personally, and Club8 is pretty good.
RA_OUL says:
February 23, 2010 at 1:00 pmFree 800Beloved…HELL YEAH!!!
drew kora says:
February 23, 2010 at 2:03 pmWow, this post is like a snapshot of my playlist for the last few months!
Awesome to hear some new tunes from 800 Beloved. I thought their first album was really nice—and I’ve been pining to hear something new. Nice.
RA_OUL says:
February 23, 2010 at 2:09 pmI’m really diggin’ the Sambassadeur! They really do have a Cranberries feel to them as well as some of The Cure’s older tunes.
martin says:
February 23, 2010 at 2:12 pmi love the xx…started listen to them right before the big hype. actually, i have a vinyl copy of their album and still love to listen to it. anyway, i hate when my favourite music is used in commercials. it’s like a disease – remember ‘heartbeats’, ‘young folks’, ‘what else is there’… especially i was proud that i always add ‘intro’ into my set while playing in the club – now it would just feel strange.
The Corporations, man. says:
February 23, 2010 at 5:41 pmMan I just love ruining peoples favorite music.
Michel says:
February 24, 2010 at 9:29 amdude. wicked picks today. I’m just head boppin to 800beloved track like crazy!
Artur says:
February 25, 2010 at 7:20 amLocal Natives – Gorilla Manor album was one of the albuns of the year 2009 (in my sincere opinion)…
S. Lynch says:
March 1, 2010 at 11:14 amIf I’ve completely exhausted The Sundays and The Cranberries
and still want my life to sound like a Noxzema commercial…
I listen to A SAD DAY FOR PUPPETS (Sweden).
Cloud says:
March 1, 2010 at 11:29 amSambassadeur has been my favorite band for many years now. Also check out the ep with the song “Kate.” Very ’60s feeling, very breezy, very teenage symphonies to God.
BTW I think all Swedish/Norwegian pop pretty much rules. Acid House Kings are great too.