My Favorite Work of Art
I’ve never really posted on fine art before, but these are works by Ed Rucha are my absolute favorites. I’ve seen one of these in person before but I have no memory of where I was. I am pretty sure the NYC MOMA has Ship Talk. I do remember that when I saw it, I froze for about five minutes in front of it; incapable of moving or verbally expressing why I was frozen. All I could think about was how much I needed to own it so I could stare at it all the time. I imagined fantastical scenarios where I would make a lot of money and purchase it instantly. I have never felt that way about any other work of art. It was simultaneously a great feeling (to have found something I loved so much) and a horrible one (for reasons I still don’t understand). Pictured above:
Ship Talk
Man Wife
Brother Sister
Untitled (not pictured, though similar)
Like the Richard Misrach pictures I posted on a while back, I hesitated posting these in a 450 pixel wide scenario. You really need to see these in person to get the full effect. If I can remember where they are I’ll include it here. (And if anyone knows where these can be found, let us know in the comments.)

13 Comments Leave A Comment
Ryan says:
February 18, 2010 at 12:43 amthese are cool, i really like the hazy smudge/blur stuff going on
d! says:
February 18, 2010 at 12:59 amso painfully beautiful … d!
twoeightnine says:
February 18, 2010 at 1:02 amShip Talk appears to have sold a couple years ago.
frags says:
February 18, 2010 at 1:34 amreally emotive paintings, saw these last month in an ed ruscha exhibition at the Hayward in London…
Tim says:
February 18, 2010 at 2:44 amYeah some of these were at the Hayward for the Ruscha painting exhibition, along with his other black-spray-paint scenes.
The exhibition was amazing, I too found myself completely overwhelmed and at times ‘frozen’ in front of his work, although I have to admit I prefer his mountains to these. I guess his work really appeals to graphic designers because of his use of type. It was certainly the most enjoyable art exhibition I’ve seen for a long while.
Adrian says:
February 18, 2010 at 6:50 amIncredible.
andy says:
February 18, 2010 at 7:23 amDitto- these Ruscha pieces arrested me the first time i saw them-something in them grabs you and doesnt let you go, and then stays in your brain.
I cant remember which one i saw but i think it was at SFMOMA.
Matt says:
February 18, 2010 at 3:12 pmI’ve always loved Ruscha, though I’d never seen these particular pieces – thanks for sharing. Another recent body of work of his I think is great is the Hollywood lights series:
Mike says:
February 18, 2010 at 9:41 pmRuscha was a graphic designer before he became a fine artist. Maybe you can tell. I’ve been a fan for a long time now.. his work is gripping yet wonderfully simple and direct — very moving.
He recently did a wonderful episode of Iconoclasts for the Sundance channel with fashion designer Stella McCartney.
Chad says:
February 19, 2010 at 5:11 amI recently visited a small gallery here in Portland and found his piece “Grey Suds” and instantly fell in love. Id love to learn how his printing techniques were done. Good post man!
Stella says:
February 21, 2010 at 12:48 pmThese are really nice. They actually look like they could be stills from some Murnau films.
February 24, 2010 at 3:01 pmThese are great! They carry with them a wonderful mood and atmosphere. Nice find.
Lydia says:
March 3, 2010 at 6:38 amI’m saw this post a little late, but…
The pieces here instantly jogged my memory, because I saw a very similar one when I was in San Diego in 2007. The Museum of Contemporary Art in La Jolla had this piece attached to the outside of the building. I found the exact pic from my trip and uploaded it here –
So awesome. This painting is ginormous.
I also fell in love with Ruscha’s work when I saw his piece “The End” at our museum of art in NC as a teenager. Like you, Alex, I just stared and stared. Randomly seeing this huge painting on the side of the museum was a real treat.