Darren Firth
Posted by Alex
Older poster series by Darren Firth. I’ve always been a fan of Darren’s web work and recently came upon the project above while searching around for innovative ways to shoot pictures of printed work. I thought this was a cool idea; playful and interesting without being distracting. Of course the poster design is what I really like. I’ve never been able to pull off this kind of mega overlapping layout, and I always appreciate it when it’s done well like this. Hopefully going to see some new projects soon! Keep an eye out at Darren’s portfolio.
Follow up reading: AisleOne interview with Darren.

6 Comments Leave A Comment
Shane says:
November 16, 2009 at 9:19 amThanks Alex, nice work done here by Darren. I do like this way of shooting printed work, definitely a great approach and makes it feel as if the work is indeed the focus.
greg says:
November 16, 2009 at 9:29 amI came across Darren’s work about a month ago. Beautiful stuff. These posters happen to be my favorite of his.
Patrick Algrim says:
November 16, 2009 at 10:53 amDarrens work is pretty inspiring. I love his use of negative spacing and non-traditional grid work. Darren is a perfect person to look at if you need some inspiration.
Darren says:
November 16, 2009 at 11:01 amAlex, thankyou very much for the post and thanks for the kind words Shane, Greg and Patrick. Much appreciated.
rent says:
November 16, 2009 at 11:13 pmthese posters are great. very subtle and clean. great work Darren!