Name That Bar: Portland
Thanks to everyone for the great tips in the comments of yesterday’s Portland post. We’re going to try and hit those places. Last night we ended up hanging out downtown. We had dinner at Voleur - amazing mac and cheese, highly recommended. Then we hit a great little place called Bo’s for Martinis. We ended up at a really cool bar where a wall hit me above my eye opening up a nice little gash and drawing blood; I’m an idiot. In my defense the wall hit me unprovoked; I was pretty much minding my own business. Unfortunately none of us could remember the name of it this morning. The middle picture above is the DJ at the place, if anyone recognizes it speak up in the comments.
Please excuse the picture quality, as I mentioned in yesterday’s post, I neglected to bring my camera so I’m using my friend’s point and shoot Canon. I actually enjoy using it, at the expense of quality of course. It’s just nice for a change to not be lugging some 10 lb. chunk of metal around everywhere.

9 Comments Leave A Comment
Christian Eager says:
March 8, 2008 at 11:01 pmI’ve only been to Portland once, but it was a weekend just a few weeks ago. I loved the Pearl District, and I had the mac & cheese at Voleur, too. The waiter we had a Voleur recommeneded Valentine’s, a bar just around the corner on Ankeny. It’s intimate, but it never got overly crowded, and the DJ that night was rockin’.
I never made it to SE (the Hawthorne District came highly recommended), which I regret; I stayed at the Ace on SW Stark, and was limited to foot and MAX for transportation. I can confirm that the coffee brewed by the Clover at the adjoining Stumptown is phenomenal.
The Ace itself has an awesome aesthetic itself. I’m not sure its site does it justice.
mike says:
March 9, 2008 at 7:01 amDon’t you just hate it when a wall hits you in your head. I usually get into unprovoked fights with cabinet doors.
I actually don’t mind the quality of the point and shoot photos above.
Justin Meyers says:
March 9, 2008 at 5:04 pmDude, forget the bar. Let’s see your gash! You have to create a cooler story for the ladies otherwise you just look like a lush, no offense. Shark attacks are always a good place to start.
chris prosser says:
March 10, 2008 at 1:04 pmi don’t know you, not exactly sure how i came across your blog, but i always check it. anyways, if your in portland on tuesday night’s check the tube bar downtown, it’s crazed with hipsters, totally worth it, just to people watch… so starange.
neil cocklin says:
March 10, 2008 at 3:29 pmI think ‘quality’ can be pretty subjective. Cheap cameras mean grain, which rocks my world. :)
Keep up the good work man, I’m pretty much a fan of everything I have seen you do. :o
Joe says:
March 11, 2008 at 10:11 amI’m pretty sure that’s the Saucebox – did they have a single ice cube for a logo?
Killian says:
March 21, 2008 at 8:23 amis that the holocene?
Scott says:
March 21, 2008 at 9:39 amJoe was right, it’s saucebox!
zuxyolgywd says:
April 23, 2008 at 6:47 pmWow, cool man, big thanks!