Posted by Scott
In Portland right now and of course didn’t bring my camera again. This place is always great; we hung out in one of my favorite spots today, the Pearl District. It’s a great little neighborhood which really reminds me of Midtown Sacramento and Wicker Park in Chicago. I’ve got my friend’s little point and shoot so I will try and snag some shots here and there. Trying to figure out where to go tomorrow night, heard good things about hollocene, any suggestions?

12 Comments Leave A Comment
Marcus Evans says:
March 7, 2008 at 10:15 pmI know the feeling. I kinda want to buy a decent compact camera but I know I’ll never like the photos because the quality will never be as good as what comes out of my SLR! =P
The location there looks very cool!
I’m going to Berlin on Sunday for a few days. I’m looking forward to taking some interesting photos!
nathan says:
March 8, 2008 at 2:07 amThe holocene is rad. There is some great bars in SE portland. Like the Night Light on 21st and Clinton. Or go hit up Alberta Street, any where between 20th and 30th. The Mash Tun is a pretty nice spot, and has some great beer. There is also the Tin Shed on Alberta. I think you would dig the Doug Fir, it has some great interior design going on. Enjoy your time in Portland man.
erik says:
March 8, 2008 at 9:40 amWhen are you going to do a live show in Portland? We have been waiting too long! :)
The Doug Fir Lounge is a must if you’re into one of the shows playing there. The design is bananas. The Chesterfield and East are well designed bars which should be free with dj’s. Portland City Grill has a great view of the city from 33 floors up. Toro Bravo on MLK has amazing tapas(recently voted best restaurant of the year). Powells books on 10th is a must. Ground Kontrol is an amazing retro-arcade/bar with djs and electronic performances. Voodoo Doughnuts on 2nd(i think) is a great 24 hour place. The Stumptown Coffee next to the Ace Hotel has one of those amazing super expensive coffee-makers that makes the best cup of coffee ever. Backspace on 5th is a cool venue/artspace/cyber cafe. Saint Cupcake in NW has amazing cupcakes. Cupcake Jones downtown has cool filled cupcakes.
Email me if you want any more details… have fun!
erik says:
March 8, 2008 at 9:42 ami just remembered the name of the coffeemachine is a ‘clover’.
James says:
March 8, 2008 at 10:31 amI would agree, the The Doug Fir Lounge is rad.
andrew says:
March 8, 2008 at 10:51 ampix patisserie… world class deserts. great portland vibe.
Justin Meyers says:
March 8, 2008 at 12:39 pmMaybe when you get back you can tell us what you ‘turn off’ or disable on a pc for optimal performance. I’ve been to portland once in a bus filled with smelly vegans, so… can’t help you with your visit.
That bridge looks like something you would have to cross to meet the Oracle. Choose your questions wisely.
J.Cross says:
March 8, 2008 at 4:41 pmHit up Floating World Comics on 5th and Couch in the NW for some great and obscure art and design books.
Ryan says:
March 8, 2008 at 5:25 pmcome hang out with me.. i’m beyond bored
Turney says:
March 8, 2008 at 10:13 pmI grew up in Portland, when I get to go home. I always hit NW 23rd. There is a great shop named Blake along with many others. “Just be toys” near Burnside and 5th (I think) is one of the dopest clothing/shoe/vinyl/gallery spots. I know there is an Upper Playground Shop there too. My friend Stephen (who is also a music nut and DJ you might enjoy, http://www.suppoz.com) runs the shop there.
AJ says:
March 18, 2008 at 9:28 amshop at Olio United on SE Water if you get a chance. http://www.oliounited.com