Julien Pacaud
Posted by Scott
Been seeing Julien Pacaud’s work around a lot lately, It’s hot. Check him out here. Jakub, you drooling over that top one? I can see it on your wall already.

Been seeing Julien Pacaud’s work around a lot lately, It’s hot. Check him out here. Jakub, you drooling over that top one? I can see it on your wall already.
2 Comments Leave A Comment
Xan says:
February 21, 2008 at 12:19 pmHe’s great! I’ve been a fan ever since I found him on Deviant Art about 3-4 years ago. Great to see him get some exposure.
gnaime says:
February 21, 2008 at 2:15 pmLately? He been around for YEARS. He’s my original inspiration galaxies before I ever laid eyes on your sexy works.