Archive for the US Dollar redesign Tag

ISO50 US Dollar Re-Design Contest

Posted by Jakub

A few days ago I posted a few US dollar redesigns, none of them really caught my eye but I had a feeling our readers could do better and you all responded positively so lets get this started.


1. You must submit four bills (1,5,20,100) of any rectangle dimensions.
2. You must include this letter/number combo somewhere on the bill ( I 50502012 X )
3. A signature of some sort has to be included on all the bills
4. Include the number of the bill spelled out and include or create this stamp


Please submit to jakub at iso50 dot com by October 1st 2012. Judging will be by Scott Hansen and the ISO50 contributors.


We will pick 2 winners.

1st Prize includes any ISO50 Tee along with a signed ISO50 Studio Edition Print.

2nd Prize includes a Standard ISO50 Print and a ISO50 Sticker Pack

The US Dollar needs a redesign?

Posted by Jakub

A great practice idea for graphic designers is redesigning the US Dollar, compared to Canada and many European countries I feel we just got screwed a bit, while the detailing in the US dollar is classy I feel like the overall collection from coin to paper is not the best it can be, I don’t think any of the designs above are the answer either. I was thinking would anyone be down to submit redesigns to ISO50 and we can have a contest with giveaways? Let me know below if its a good idea and i’ll get together a submission post.