Apple iPhone 5 “Plus” Concept
It’s about that time when iPhone 5 rumors start ramping up. Fortunately I have one right here for you to feast your eyes upon. This iPhone 5 concept or as the creator calls it, the “iPhone Plus”, was created by the same guy who dreamed up the Instagram Camera.
Here’s a quick feature list for you dreamed up by the creator:
– Liquid metal Body: thermoformed on a single plane, no junctions needed
– Screen with double alkali-aluminosilicate sheet glass
– 4.3″ Retina Display with In-Cell technology
– A6 Quad Core processor
– Rear Camera: 10.0 Megapixel, f/2.4, 1080p Full HD video at 30 FPS
– Front Camera: 2.0 Megapixel (VGA), 480p VGA video at 30 FPS
– Rear motion sensor
– Top pico-projector to beam photos and videos on any surfaces
– Slim design for an edge-to-edge thinner profile
– New slim-dock connector
– Fully “Capacitive” home button
What do you think about this iPhone Plus concept?

17 Comments Leave A Comment
Eris says:
May 14, 2012 at 3:30 amThe Thinspiration iPhone? Is Design Anorexia the only way we have to feel good about our gadgets?
Sebastian says:
May 14, 2012 at 4:14 amMore power, longer battery life and bigger display and a pico-projector in a slimmer body? Sure!
Kevin says:
May 14, 2012 at 5:03 amLooks good! Let’s hope it isn’t a flop
Beejus says:
May 14, 2012 at 5:29 amLove this mock up!
Sadly though, some early “rumors” already have the iPhone 4/4S form factor not changing too much for the iPhone 5. Still too soon to tell, but one would think more hard evidence (parts/case leaks) of a total redesign would have surfaced by now. It’s been fairly quiet — same as last year’s 4S ramp up. Hope that’s not the case with the 5 as well because if it looks anything like this mock-up, I’m in.
Matt Marrocco says:
May 14, 2012 at 5:48 ammeh. There are reasons I enjoy the ios/iPhone platform – simplicity, minimalism and a strong, cohesive design language across product lines. This concept throws all of that away in favor of something looking more like an Android phone. Widgets on the home screen? Stop it.
12345 says:
May 14, 2012 at 9:32 amhmmm…i have seen another concept that i thought was more in line with apple’s oeuvre and it was nicer. i am not a fan of the 4s body at all, i think the way they have designed the curved body of the macbook’s is more elegant, the boxy parts are clunky. that said i would still take one of these.
also, where does this guy find the time to do these mock ups?!
12345 says:
May 14, 2012 at 9:34 amps: i have been waiting forever to see apple implement edge to edge screens, hope to see this soon!
Jakub says:
May 14, 2012 at 9:43 amI dont mind if its as thick as the 4S thats for sure, thinner scares me to be honest, great specs
mg33 says:
May 14, 2012 at 10:45 amI’m looking forward to an even better camera than it has now. I still have an iPhone4, and I’m kind of teetering on wanting a new, small, high quality point and shoot for times I need something a little more than my iPhone and don’t have my D90 with me.
I also wish the images above had some context to them. For some reason those phones look huge, probably because there’s not something of typical size in the photo.
I think the pico-projector is a little far-fetched… maybe some day.
rek says:
May 14, 2012 at 1:53 pmI don’t care how fancy it is, if it’s locked to iTunes I’m not interested.
Joe says:
May 14, 2012 at 4:29 pmthat display looks a little more like a 5.3 instead of 4.3 but damn its beautiful, coming from an android user none the less
Jarson says:
May 15, 2012 at 1:13 pmA little ugly for an apple product, but the projector feature would be amazing for a musician…now I want that. :(
Swade says:
May 16, 2012 at 12:33 pmThis isn’t from Apple, so it really isn’t a “rumor” for the phone. Apple doesn’t release things even to the employees. This phone looks like a lot of other phones and would be an ugly Apple design. It looks huge and thin and will break quick, fast, and in a hurry.
Jarson says:
May 16, 2012 at 7:14 pmI know that’s what I was trying to say. I think it will be marginally thinner than the 4s, any thinner would be dangerous.
Adrian says:
May 18, 2012 at 5:37 pmThe silver-colored one looks so much better than the black or white versions. I’m surprised apple hasn’t taken inspiration from the aluminum/black style from their imac/macbook line yet. Love the metal finish, especially seen here. Don’t care about the thin-ness. Would rather have a battery that lasts for days and is thicker.
Wally says:
May 23, 2012 at 10:32 amI hope this is it! Looks nice and features sound about right. The Pico projector can be omitted though since those things are garbage.
Dave says:
May 23, 2012 at 1:14 pmSecond the comment(s) that it’s a bit Android-ish and probably not physically possible, but interesting design nonetheless. The projector is a nice feature.