Guest Music Post: Com Truise
In early May Datassette will hit us with ‘People Without Mouths.’ The 12″ EP will be available on Shipwrec records and the digital version will follow two weeks after with bonus tracks and a a remix by Ilkae. He was kind enough to share the track ‘Don’t’ with us, and it’s a smooth, tingly gem of a track. Sprinkled with vocal stabs and bent percussion. Really stoked on this EP, head over to for plenty of other goodies.
On my recent visit to Austin, TX I was lucky enough to catch Missions perform a set. He was surrounded by vintage equipment, a control center shrouded in synth. ‘Darrk/Blakk’ is the A-Side of his upcoming 7″ via Pau Wau Records. It sounds as what I assume an early 80s’ Depech Mode demo would sound like via a walkman running dangerously low on batteries. Haunting vocals seem to sit between towering walls of synthetic goo slowly dripping into your ears. Looking forward to more from Missions.
‘Don’t Open The Door’ from VHS Head was released on a Benefit Compilation for Japan on ICASEA. Contained within is the signature VHS Head sound. He is the master in mining the depths of pre-certification video. ‘Don’t Open The Door’ is a droopy eyed jam, it brings to mind the river of pink slime in Ghostbusters II, and what I might be like to slowly sink into that warm, murky mess. Quality track.
Innergaze just dropped their second LP ‘Mutual Dreaming‘ on Cititrax. Hailing from Brooklyn, this synth wielding duo pants a perfect picture of early dance music. ‘Is This Your Love?’ really had me floored upon first listen. It’s a slightly grey journey inward, highlighted by glittering arpeggios and synthetic stings. Topped off with vocal stabs that seem to pull you in and press you back out. ‘Mutual Dreaming’ will get some heavy rotation from me.
Music Provided By: Com Truise

11 Comments Leave A Comment
Logan 5 says:
April 26, 2012 at 10:30 amCom Truise,aka Seth Haley,has an instinct for identifying great sound design,production and also visual style-whether in his own work or in that of others.
This selection is superb-I am especially thrilled to hear new work from Datassette,London’s finest in my humble opinion.
Anonymous says:
April 26, 2012 at 10:52 amthe datasette track is pretty good.
vhs head, however, i can’t dig. i’ve tried multiple times, just doesn’t vibe for me.
these drones heal says:
April 26, 2012 at 12:00 pmthat MISSIONS track is siiiiiiiiiiick. i have been following josh for a while. he’s about to blow up.
Jakub says:
April 26, 2012 at 2:04 pmAs always i’m loving the Datassette and Innergaze cuts
Temporary Incan Warrior says:
April 26, 2012 at 3:14 pmThis is the first time I’ve seen Com Truise’s full name, confirming that his last name is not in fact shared with actor Rick Zumwalt, he of Over The Top fame as arm wrestler Bob “Bull” Hurley – someone who Com Truise bears a striking resemblance to:
Bull Hurley in awesome Blaster t-shirt
Kind of bummed to know they are not related.
Design + Conquer says:
April 26, 2012 at 6:48 pmVery cool playlist, Jakub! Keep it comin’.
Joaquim Narquès Nielsen says:
April 28, 2012 at 7:47 amInstant favorite: MISSION!
Jarson says:
April 28, 2012 at 4:01 pmgoddamn that VHS Head song is so gooooood!
Patrick M says:
April 28, 2012 at 7:08 pmMission track is off the charts good. Cant turn up the volume enough on my stereo. I….can’t…..get….enough……of…it
Patrick M says:
April 28, 2012 at 7:09 pmBy the way its a free download along with the entire lost tribes 2 album from Pau Wau Records…..
Ramune says:
June 22, 2012 at 1:42 pmA bit behind on the music . . . loving these tracks and I especially love your description of Missions. Made me chuckle.