ASAP Rocky + Kyson + Youth Lagoon + M83
I’m into ASAP Rocky, I questioned posting it on ISO50 but after I heard Peso then this Clams Casino I almost made ASAP Rocky feature post. I can hear the Art Of Noise sample which gets comfortable right away and I just can’t deny how good the beat is soo it gets the top song. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. NSFW.
I found Kyson via a podcast by Nueva Forma, it instantly grabbed my attention because of the dub aspects but fused together with wonderful usage of guitars, one of the easiest songs to get thru, just glades along.
I’m late to the Youth Lagoon parade i’m sorry, it was actually difficult to find a song to post though because I wasn’t falling in love with anything right away like people seem to be doing until I heard July.
M83 live on an insane level when it comes to emotion, really tweaked and thought through tracklisting, made you leave on a high, I personally loved his synth work on stage, I keep playing Klaus I Love You on repeat.

11 Comments Leave A Comment
Tetsuo says:
December 1, 2011 at 11:22 pmgreat selection as always, but why don’t you put links on the artists rather than making them bold?
TIPO says:
December 2, 2011 at 1:10 amASAP Rocky was simply outstanding! thanks for the discovery… cheers!
Chad says:
December 2, 2011 at 3:56 amGreat post, Jakub!
A.S.A.P was a good choice, his mix tape is pretty good if you want more of those Clams collabs.
Chad says:
December 2, 2011 at 4:02 amGreat post, Jakub!
A.S.A.P. was a solid choice. If you haven’t yet, you should hunt down the LIVELOVEASAP mixtape for more Clams produced tracks.
Harley Turan says:
December 2, 2011 at 4:25 amUh, I’ve just been informed that a designer at Songkick is trying to get Scott to London? They need 500 poeple to pre-book.
How is this not a post! Tycho in London!
Philip says:
December 2, 2011 at 4:47 amGreat selections as always. Jakub your posts are one of the main reasons I keep coming back here – always finding great new musical treasures here.
And speaking of M83 live – I captured some really great pics of them when they came through Orlando recently. Enjoy:
Colby says:
December 4, 2011 at 8:22 pmWow, Youth Lagoon on ISO50?
Crazy… this kid is gettin’ around—putting Boise on the map.
Brian says:
December 7, 2011 at 3:41 pmSaid Hi to Scott at the M83 Mezzanine SF show. Steve McQueen has been my jam. See everyone on Saturday!
Jacq says:
December 10, 2011 at 9:50 amback to iso50 after a while, am I surprised the playlist is still top-notch? that the work is still top-notch? keep on it all y’all we are here.
oh, and clams casino? north jersey represent! bedroom beatmakers from nutley are powering hip-hop right now, whadup flat world.
Nelly says:
December 10, 2011 at 11:11 amRocky is so DOPE! hes got such a unique flow, its like a million bundled into one! my fave on the LiveLoveASAP is palace, the sped up flow makes me leave it on repeat. i listen to a lot on J-Ones too, they sound alike on some songs. i swaer this kid is coming up too! check him out!
James says:
January 31, 2012 at 6:33 pmThanks for introducing me to Youth Lagoon. Been playing that album on repeat all week. Don’t know who Kyson is but my favorites right now are A$AP, M83, and Youth Lagoon, along with you for sure.