Pantha+PJ Harvey+Isolee+Tyler Creator
Posted by Jakub
Even if this Pantha Du Prince song wasn’t good i’d probably still post the album art but i’m glad I found this amazing Four Tet remix to go with it, you know how it goes its Four Tet and its loopy and gorgeous.
My good friend Danny aka Philistine DSGN aka The Tower of Light made me aware of 2 things recently: 1. Old PJ Harvey where the electronics are really dark 2. Odd Future with Tyler The Creator, both blowing my mind.
I was really geeked for the new Isolee record, I mean just hoping for magic and I could really only find one song that I fell in love with and it was In Our Country, I hope some singles pop up over the next few months.
This video below isn’t the best for the work place, just an FYI

14 Comments Leave A Comment
Leah @ Freutcake says:
February 18, 2011 at 9:42 amGreat album art! Love how the design seems to tumble…lots of simple movement!
NAVIS says:
February 18, 2011 at 12:09 pmThat is one angry man sitting on a stool.
Michael Raiden says:
February 18, 2011 at 2:34 pmCheck out his brother Earl Sweatshirt. His rhyme scheme is ridiculous, and he was sixteen when he record this stuff:
He also kills it on a song called AssMilk on Tyler’s album called BASTARD. These dudes are crazy. All of their music is available for free on their Tumblr, but I wonder how long that’s going to last.
Toby says:
February 18, 2011 at 5:35 pmWow! Surprised to see PJ Harvey on here, I come from the same little low-key southwest england town. Had the honour of a brief group-talk with her one time in college.
‘Tis a good little town for music, ol’ Bridport.
You always (pleasantly) surprise me, Jakub. :)
江门租车 says:
February 18, 2011 at 6:33 pm写得不错!支持一下!^_^
RA_OUL says:
February 19, 2011 at 3:36 amTyler, the Creator…That is the hardest rappin’ I have heard since Jedi Mind Tricks! The video is so catchy too. RAWCORE for sure.
max says:
February 19, 2011 at 9:33 am
tyler the creator killing it on jimmy fallon. hip hop is back baby!
Spencer says:
February 20, 2011 at 1:03 amim actually really surprised your posted yonkers. doesnt seem like iso50 quality but hey, im a little obsessed right now too.
spencer says:
February 20, 2011 at 1:08 am
christian says:
February 20, 2011 at 11:00 amthat song is cool #9 but that beat is from young jeezy i think. still dope none the less.
Christopher says:
February 20, 2011 at 12:49 pmreptar and adventure time!? that Tyler the Creator track is so good on this sunny Seattle Sunday
Shane says:
February 20, 2011 at 5:08 pmYES! ODD FUTURE WOLF GANG KILL THEM ALL
Glad to see they’re blowing up in the right crowds. FREE EARL, FUCK STEVE HARVEY.
But yeah Tyler and the rest of the OF gang kills it on just about every track. Loving it.
Charles Mertens says:
February 21, 2011 at 1:13 pmReally surprised to see Odd Future on the ISO 50 blog. Proof that these guys are about to blow up. Good for them. Tyler and Hodgy put on the craziest performance on Jimmy Fallon last week. Free Earl. Golf Wang. SWAG.
Kylie says:
February 23, 2011 at 6:52 pmAdd me to the list of people (pleasantly) surprised to see some love for Odd Future. I’ve been pretty stoked on their stuff since someone showed me that Jimmy Fallon video. I especially like BlackenedWhite, the MellowHype album. Tyler and Earl have some great stuff too, but their albums can be a bit difficult.