Nacho Lovers+Popnoname+Longcut+DDD
I found more CFCF remixes to share with you guys, a real proper remix that shows off the same talents he displays time after time, this track reminds me of a housey earlier Royksopp without the vox.
When I first heard Popnoname on Kompakt he was doing mostly singles for the Pop Ambient compilations, really nice smooth digital stuff but I never checked him out beyond that. This is more on a pop tip, vox with a rolling synth melody, simple and easy to swallow.
I wouldn’t miss putting up a new Toro Y Moi even if you told me we all already heard it before, loving this one he did for The Longcuts, its back to what I love most about his production.
I can’t figure it out but I think Duliatten Disco Dancer is the very talent re-edit disco master Todd Terje
but don’t quote me on that, loving this worldly psych disco cut even if the guitar gets alil out of hand at the end.

5 Comments Leave A Comment
Jarson says:
June 8, 2010 at 12:04 pmThe toro Y moi and popnoname tracks are killing me. awesum
Michele says:
June 8, 2010 at 1:21 pmreally enjoyed this!
earph says:
June 8, 2010 at 2:18 pmThe “Nacho Lovers” track is great. I would love to get my hands on it…
jonathan says:
June 8, 2010 at 9:11 pmlove the toro y moi remix. chaz never disappoints.
julian k. says:
June 26, 2010 at 12:04 pmthe tracks are all great – i think i’ll spend all night listening to them :)