The shameless side of Club Music Part. 1

Posted by Jakub

The MFA - The Difference It Makes
No matter how much you might hate certain kinds of music you can always find something that appeals to you unless you have a one track mind or prefer a safe and conservative lifestyle. So you’re definitely not looking for trance, you definitely don’t want what’s playing at Crunch gym, and your sick of what your friends are suggesting because the vocals make you uncomfortable or there are too many spare rolls or it gets too cheesy dreamy sounding. Maybe you just want one dancey anthem for the week, well i’m gonna do my best to help steer you in the right direction before you have a bad club remix of Pet Shop Boys on your hands.

The MFA – The Difference It Makes (Superpitcher Mix)


Daso – Meine


Guy Gerber, Shlomi Aber – After Love


Gregor Tresher – A Thousand Nights


5 Comments Leave A Comment


Matt says:

September 25, 2009 at 10:31 pm

More than one electronic song a week never did anyone any harm! haha
I really like that MFA track, I think Ill go pick it up.
Ive got the Daso – Meine Idee vinyl from Ghostly and it is an awesome release!
And Ive got Tresher’s album on digital and can’t get enough of that track!

Its always good to see music you already own/know on here, when everyday you guys show more and more music from people I have never heard of!
