Yosemite HD II from Project Yosemite on Vimeo.
Photographers Colin Delehanty and Sheldon Neill have created an absolutely stunning piece of time lapse photography of Yosemite National Park. I’m always a sucker for these kind of videos because you can get an idea of how nature works and they’re beautiful. Colin and Sheldon worked for two years together to create this piece and trekked over 200 plus miles of rugged, burly terrain in the High Sierras of Yosemite National Park. It’s projects like these that keep me inspired to keep trekking outdoors.
Check out the website for Project Yosemite and from there you can get an in depth break down of frequently asked questions and gear used to create this video:

10,000 Year Clock Prototype
Did you know that The Long Now Foundation is building a 10,000 year clock?
The idea behind the Clock is to be an inspiration for long-term thinking, to help make thinking long term automatic and common, instead of difficult and rare. It is hoped to be an artifact to connect its visitors to the future in the same way relics from ancient civilizations connect us to the past. Such a clock, if sufficiently impressive and well-engineered, would embody deep time for people. It should be charismatic to visit, interesting to think about, and famous enough to become iconic in the public discourse. Ideally, it would do for thinking about time what the photographs of Earth from space have done for thinking about the environment. Such icons reframe the way people think. [link]
The clock may reside mostly underground, near Van Horn, Texas, and will tick once a year. There is a fascinating set of principles guiding the construction of the clock. I enjoyed the various options for timing the clock: piezoelectric oscillator, pendulum, orbital dynamics and etc. “Sounds made up” as my roommate is fond of saying. Currently there is a prototype design at the Science Museum of London.
By the way I titled this post “10,000 Year Time Machine” because any clock that will work for this period of time is much more than a clock, it is a giant MACHINE. Apologies if you were expecting a post on an actual time machine like a Delorean.