Archive for the Thomas Scholes Tag

Jonathan Zawada

Posted by Scott

Oil paintings by Jonathan Zowada. Somewhat reminiscent of Thomas Scholes and Roger Dean stuff. Loving the gallery placards too.

An exhibition of large scale drawings and oil paintings at Prism Gallery, Los Angeles from December 16, 2010 – February 28, 2011. The landscape topographies were derived from graph data (displayed as printed mirrors on accompanying plinths), modeled in 3D and then oil paintings created from those 3D renders. For more information, visit the Prism website.

Jonathan Zowada via But Does It Float

Thomas Scholes

Posted by Scott

Thomas Scholes is a digital artist out of Seattle who uses Photoshop to create painterly landscapes sort of in the vein of Roger Dean and more recently, Dan McPharlin. I love his color use and the texture; it’s really incredible that this is all being done within software.

Thomas also does a lot of process videos showing how he works with various imagery and textures to get these effects. I particularly enjoyed this one which shows him modeling a landscape from a photo of a woman (see video below). I love the idea of incorporating unrelated imagery into a composition as texture or distressing — or, in this case, as a framework.

You can check out more of Thomas’ work and videos at his blog