Archive for the The Egyptian Lover Tag

Egyptian Lover+MJ+Drexciya+Dam Funk

Posted by Jakub

The Egyptian Lover - The Alezby Inn
Loving this Egyptian Lover track, reminds me a bit of Twin Peaks at times.

Everyone has their favorite MJ song, this was mine, loved the crowd noise when I was a kid, makes me think about seeing video of Europeans looking at Michael Jackson perform live on stage and freaking out and getting dragged away crying because they loved him so much, to be honest when MJ passed I was thinking that Europe would flip out 10x more than the US and it probably did.

Sam posted some Drexciya a few weeks back, really minimalistic speedy synthy dark electro, perfect for a night speedboat rides.

For this Dam Funk track you really need to let it get half way through, Think Sonic the Hedgehog meets 2Pac if you aren’t into it so it at least puts a smile on your face, for the recent of you enjoy the heat this curious talent is giving off.

The Egyptian Lover – The Alezby Inn


Michael Jackson – Dirty Diana


Drexciya – Black Sea


Dam Funk – Sunset
