Take + Sun Araw + Moodymann + SBTRKT
And you thought Real Estate was chill(wave) for summer lazy days? try a bit of Sun Araw, its makes falling asleep fishing on a calm pond sound like a monster truck rally.
Take does a nice edit of the classic Fall In Love by Slum Village, short n sweet.
More from Detroit, Moodymann isn’t really a blog musician, I like to imagine him as vinyl only and buying his stuff strictly from his site. He has stuck to his sound and might be one of the more pure musicians out there, enjoy this one, its dirty.
A new EP from Sbtrkt this week, one of the few artists i’ve found out thru just direct emails and him posting comments on the blog. 2020 seems to be maybe a new direction for the whole dub sound, its more straight forward like early Detroit House, if that’s whats happening then i’m really excited for things to come.