Archive for the synthesizer Tag

KORG iMS-20 Ipad App

This is the second synthesizer app I’ve come across this week that has a really solid interface. This app was created by KORG. Although I believe the design is strong, I am unsure of how finicky the controls would be on such a small device. I’d be curious to know if anyone used this app or ones alike it before?

There is another app floating around right now called Synthesizer 76 that is equally impressive. However I’m not sure if its available via the iTunes store yet.

Aries: Explore Sound Cover

Posted by Scott

I believe this is a catalog for Aries Kits, a company which manufactured modular synthesizer kits during the late 70’s in Massachusetts. I love how the limitations imposed by 1970’s printing technology actually fostered good design in a lot of cases. I wonder if the designer put much thought into the layout of top portion; it looks very purpose-driven. That “Explore Sound” wire-frame logo was probably super high tech at the time.

I forgot where I found that image, any ideas? (Tineye was down at the time of this posting)