Archive for the Streets Of Rage 2 Tag

Spirituals + Light Asylum + Ross 154 + Sega

Posted by Jakub

Some of you might have bought the new Caribou record this week and want more or even prefer the old Manitoba sound well a nice new LP from Spirituals can fill this void in your life very quickly. The self titled LP from Spirituals has beautiful melodic swells and full of surprising light drives and builds using everything from woodblocks and warm organs.

The drums may remind you of Phil Collins and her vocals might hint at a tougher Annie Lennox and the synths might have picked up where Q Lazzarus(Goodbye Horses aka the song from Silence Of The Lambs) left off but there is one thing for sure this sound collected is new and fresh.

This is a rough rip from youtube so please excuse the quality but if I could say it does add a little charm to this track. Ross 154 is Newworldaquarium a Danish musical genius in my mind if you followed him on labels like MOS or Delsin. Using classic sequencing of underground raw Chicago House and Aphex Twim SAW like melodies makes me feel like i’m glowing every time I hear it.

Reaching deep into my archives I had to pull this out, maybe the best game ever for the Sega Genesis was Sonic The Hedgehog but soundtrack wise Streets Of Rage 2 was untouchable, here is a intro track that some people say was just be a rip of Enigma‘s Sadeness but the melody added on top of it always made my 12 year old nod.