I’ll be doing visuals for Casino Versus Japan when he plays with Deerhunter and Real Estate this Saturday here in San Francisco. We’ve done this once before, at LPR in NYC. Should be a great night, see you out there.
10.30 – Deerhunter, Casino Versus Japan (w/ ISO50), Real Estate
@ Slim’s
And to answer Healthcare’s question in the comments, for the visuals I’m running the following:
– Macbook Pro
– VDMX (modular live video software environment)
– OS X network MIDI protocol for tempo sync with Ableton Live
– Akai MPD18 (might start using Novation Launchpad though, if I can get it to work with VDMX)
Here’s an pretty outdated discussion of the visuals setup. A lot has changed, but the core app (VDMX) is pretty much the same.
Photo by Joshua Schnable

Since the post about Matthew Dear’s remix of The XX I went on to dig for a 7 inch only remix he did for Colder from 2005. This is one of the first hints at Matthew doing guitar/organic feeling based material and pulling back on the electronics which just sounded natural to have him work with.
Yesterday jonathan suggested I check out The Mary Onettes and i’m glad I did, it opened up a 4am search thru sugary Swedish post rock on iTunes. If you liked The Radio Dept. than this might be right up your alley.
After just releasing their LP Real Estate comes up with an smaller release of material that is LP worthy. The band keeps its laid back sun-dyed feel, so if you loved the LP than this is a must have.
Keepaway got a good grade on Pitchfork’s forkcast/song review because the song is great I think but it also came with a lesson which is if you rip off Animal Collective your gonna get called out hard so maybe adjust a few things so you can be your own idea and not someone else’s, its like the handful of ISO50 rip offs i’ve seen on the innernets, yikes, I can say it because some are just too blatant in my eyes.