Archive for the Prommer Carl Craig Tag

Bonobo+Beat Broker+Prommer+Deceptikon

Posted by Jakub

I know many of you will relate with me here on that you’ve been waiting for this Bonobo album, All In Forms has been on repeat since i’ve bought it, anyone have a favorite other than that? i’m more into the instrumental tracks.

Half of Broker/Dealer is back keeping the torch burning under the name The Beat Broker on the “California Soul” Sentrall label, file this under Gorgeous Pace Disco.

Trüby Trio’s Christian Prommer covers Detroit legend Carl Craig in a very light and unique
way, I definitely hear elements of Tangerine Dream and the some of the guitar loops in the middle really makes this one an enjoyable cover.

If you need more Mux Mool like ma then a heavy dose of Deceptikon will do, Mux turned me onto Mythology Of The Metropolis which is the new LP from Deceptikon, what a great month in music? an LP from Daedelus, Deceptikon, Mux Mool and Bonobo, this might break a headnodders neck.