If you were able to catch the latest Tycho tour you probably have noticed the great support Onuinu at the shows. His latest official video for his single “Happy Home” has a very human touch to it, the song is almost impossible to not fall in love with, I promise it will become a mixtape favorite for the real indie music junkies.

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Onuinu new single “Happy Home” had me looking for his album just one minute into it. Too bad the LP doesn’t drop until August, he’s on tour with Yacht on these dates. Its like a upbeat Black Moth Super Rainbow is backing Toro Y Moi for an encore at a outdoor roller disco, everyone is dancing.
New Gold Panda dropped today out of nowhere, Derwin comes with a full sound that ramps up and builds like a classic Telefon Tel Aviv track but has hints of Caribou but pitched down an octave, an amazing follow up for recent releases that will be hard to beat. One thing I have to say is something that I learned from Mux Mool is that Derwin puts a lot of punch into his rhythm section thats what separates him from most of his following producers plus there’s a perfect level of brightness added during mastering.
If there’s any label to be excited about it should be Tim Sweeney’s Beats In Space, they’re already on release #3, sounds like original indie-disco(I don’t know if thats even a thing) Erlend Oye material, 12″ ships May 22nd I recommended picking this one up.
Time to drop it out and go a little deep, heavy beauties from Conforce, if you missed their latest album later year then I guess I just feel bad for you.